
Ed "The Windmill" Sedar is guaranteed to wave him home.

I watched this with RJD2's "Ghostwriter" playing in the background. I recommend it highly. Added some good flavor to the incident.

Bon Iver would be more accurate for Wisconsin.

America also has been terrible to more groups because America has had more groups to be terrible to. Think about it: most countries have one, maybe two minorities that atrocities happen to. The USA (the country, not the land) started by kicking people off the land and then had most of the world send people here (or,

I'm smart enough to get that I'm too dumb for this joke.

Can't wait until Deadspin does an article mocking this!

Just a thought: not saying you are totally off, but...

But, hey, at least it's a woman so it's not a "distraction".

I did not know Tom Hanks had a sister.

The Packers are the smallest market in the big 4 and the Brewers are the smallest in baseball. Cool stuff.

Save it for Craigslists missed connections.

So Rick Reilly is basically that guy at work that still shouts "Hump Day!" or, even worse, "Wazzzup?"

I can't wait until NBC picks up the pilot.


In Mother Russia, Ski jumps you!

I was ripping on the tweet from Sebastien Toutant. Don't be afraid to read.

Mr. White... It's easy to find excuses to pull out of a contest when you think you can't win...

As a fan of neither team, the Titans-Rams Super Bowl was just absurd. Making a tackle at the 1 yard line is about as incredible as it gets.

It's pretty fucking easy to flip a Prius.