
I learned to double space after a period in school. I can't remember if I read somewhere that single space was all right or I did it because I wasn't printing anything on paper/saving time, but I've been using a single space for a while. It wasn't until I had to take an MS Office class that I learned a single space

Just when I was thinking about going through Neuromancer again, this news!

Also, a 40 year old wearing hot pants and a halter top, tanned orange, with bleached, damaged hair just looks cheap and trashy and like you're kidding yourself (and only yourself) that you're still young and hip

Thanks for that animated gif. That's all I needed to know that the video clip might not be for me.

Not even worried about it anymore.

I like #1 because to build a fire you have to be patient and skilled. Gimme that.

*checks chart* I won't!

I probably need this in front of me at all times. If I had a printer I could put it up on the wall, too.

Patton seems all right though. I've seen him get into an argument on Twitter, then say he's sorry and he shouldn't have blown up like that. A couple of times, in fact. In world where people are scared shitless to admit any fault, no matter how minor, that really stood out.

When I saw the title I thought they might be talking about her, but she's only 84. I watched her show whenever I had the chance.

Disney characters have never been my type. I still had a good laugh, but ew, no.

The Apocalypse sound. Angels blowing the horn, seas of blood, zombies. If I hear that outside in real life I know it's over.

I used to be able to sleep naked when I was younger if it was really hot, but then my body temperature went crazy. Since I wake up warm and marinated most of the time, it's best to keep some panties on and some kind of tee shirt. Keeps the funk down.

I ate a piece of bread with Nutella on it as i read this. I was grossed out, but not enough to finish my snack. It probably helped that I skimmed.

As if people don't have enough complexes about their age.

Japan makes anime/manga based musicals on the regular. This isn't weird at all.

The orgasm for cramp relief thing is only so-so for me. The effect doesn't last that long and I have really bad cramps. I'd wear my plug in friend out by using it all day.

Wanna cyber? Ah, IRC in the 90s.

Pow, right in the childhood.

The problem is you go off the reservation too much and you get in trouble for it and eventually fired. Ask me how I know. True, I skipped out of there with my box of junk with a smile, but it's not ideal.