I came across that site a month or so ago. I'd heard of mpreg before but this has so many extra layers of "why?" on top of it that I just laughed. People just gotta make shit complicated.
I came across that site a month or so ago. I'd heard of mpreg before but this has so many extra layers of "why?" on top of it that I just laughed. People just gotta make shit complicated.
Shit, I only got to use it three times! Oh, and can we nip bae in the bud before it goes too far while we're at it, please?
I love okra, but that's because my mom rolled it in cornmeal and fried it when I was kid. If it was in a soup, it was always sliced pretty small and it didn't release all the goo that people complain about.
This sport brings out the worst in people quite often. This shouldn't even be a surprise.
I think it's a gum commercial that said the goat will get you if you keep chewing the same piece of gum. Don't know the brand *Googles* it's Stride gum.
Damn I hated those pants. Add chains and I hate them more.
Yep. I like surprises on the few TV shows I watch. Don't fuck it up for me, and ya ain't cute.
Laughed so hard I have hiccups now. Thank you for this pain. It was worth it.
Maybe back when he did that first Spiderman movie, but these days he's looking kinda rough. I'm gonna have to go with no on this one.
I bet he does.
I just spit, thank you.
Honeycrisp 4 Lyfe.
Ewwww, that guy.
I can't say I loves me some Chelsea, but Piers had this coming for a long time.
An honest to goodness shart would make this thing fly off like the insect it is named after. Quit giving people hope in the headlines!
Ginger tea for nausea/upset stomach, raspberry leaf tea to make cramps less crappy (have to drink a lot of it though) and a neti pot for sinus headaches.
Good old OKCupid. When I tried it in earnest, I either got messages from guys that didn't like to type (How u doin) or I'd approach a guy, exchange a few messages and they disappeared. It's not like any of the guys were great, I was just trying to make the best out of the really slim pickings.
I don't.
Some people just don't want to share everything, not because they're doing something wrong, but because it's no one's business unless you choose to share it.