

Yeah, but you still want to use all available lanes to their fullest, otherwise you are just moving the choke point further forward.

Rev. Richard Wayne Gary Wayne

Never trust a guy with 2 first names. Never EVER trust a guy with 3 first names!!

The Zoo is an interesting place. I-94 is usually the center of many episodes of ruckus that happens there. From flying Lazy Boys to tons of cars crashing in the snow.

We’re inching ever closer.

I don’t believe him.

See now, what happens when you remove that little “condom” is we end up with all these little CUV’s running around.

Tint blind? Oh, wait, let me get my notebook here — shit, yep, there it is “Lotus289: tint blind.” Dammit, I’m sorry. I should have checked this before I made the chart. I also see here you’re due for a dental appointment. I’m a little concerned about that 1st bicuspid. I don’t want to say ‘root canal’ just yet, but I

Vehicross, I will never forget you!

lol shopped

First generation Viper. It would be interesting to hear about something that could kill you and it would give you enough room to find a second car. Like the Hummer/GT-R.

How long until we put all this together and I can have a drone drop a package through my automatically opened panoramic roof while my car autonomously drives down the freeway? Then I could order lots of small things for my friends and watch as their car is periodically swarmed by drones.

Medics: Are you okay?!

Any car with a clutch.

So that’s what happens when you forget to be awesome.

I don’t even own a gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire storage area.

Ignore them.

It’s been documented on Jalop that the average person doesn’t understand depreciation, particularly the speedy depreciation of certain kinds of cars.

You talk to some broke ass people.