As will I.
As will I.
Sooooooo, the Amazon servers are going to crash tomorrow night then. Got it.
So sad. Came and went at the same time.
Friend blew the trans in his Explorer. Brought it to my house. Another friend did the labor, I helped where necessary. Removed everything around trans. Unbolted from Engine. Removed most of the Trans cross brace bolts. Snapped 2 of them. Removed Trans. Tried to drill out snapped bolts. Failed. Cut Frame. Cut frame…
Agreed 100%. I drive 20 miles one way on I-94 through Kalamazoo, MI every day to work. I’m told that stretch is one of the most dangerous areas of highway in the nation (maybe top 15?). And countless times I’ve had to slam on the brakes for various reasons of stupidity. Every time I drive that road, I’m very aware of…
I guess the power plant is the same standard LT1 C7 Engine, but with a blower strapped on top. Just beefed up a little more than the Z06's LT4.
I heard from a guy, who knows a guy, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, that they ARE making a ZR1, and when asked about the power mark, the answer was just “more than a hellcat...”
A thing happened, and they wrote a story to enlighten us about it. Isn’t that what news is?
2001 Camaro: V6, 5spd, I put an A-Pillar Gauge Pod on it with a digital Volt Meter and a “G” Something or other that was supposed to give me speed, 0-60, etc. I paid $400 to have it installed, and around $200 for the parts. I thought they were super awesome. If only I’d known how terrible they really were in every…
And thus, “Pretty sure that’s a McLaren dude” was born.
That is a SERIOUSLY short nose for a Corvette. I get that it’s mid-engine, so you don’t need a big frunk, but it just doesn’t strike me as a car that can be called a Corvette.
Yeah, I had Juan’s take on it. If you can’t handle emergency situations properly, you don’t get a drivers license. I’m not talking they need to pass racing school or anything. Just weed out / train those that don’t seem to have the confidence behind the wheel. I’ve seen more “near accidents” due to hesitation than…
This is what ALL driving schools need to be like. Once all the standard stuff that is currently taught is done and passed, people need to take a course like this to actually teach people how to drive / react properly. Maybe it’ll get rid of the vast amounts of timid and uncoordinated drivers.
True, the first time I watched the video I didn’t watch it with the perspective of a 100% autonomous automotive community. But I still stand by my theory that trying to fit 3 lanes worth of cars into 2 lanes, where the cars have a preset following distance, they’re going to bunch up, want to slow down to restore that…
I disagree. Regardless if the automated vehicles zipper merge or not, you’re still trying to fit 3 lanes worth of cars in 2 lanes. And if they have a preset following distance, and you put a car inside that distance, it would be forced to slow down. Now multiply that times standard 5 o’clock traffic and I believe a…
I completely understand that point. But once the fully automated cars get up to speed, are they still going to retain the same following distance? If yes, then my point is 100% wrong. But I don’t see us going 100% autonomous any time soon; at least not in my lifetime.
No, the problem is not people’s inability to accelerate at the same time and rate as the person in front of them. While this works in theory, in practice, it’s dangerous. Why? Because the faster we go on the road, the more space we need between the vehicles in case of an emergency braking situation; as pointed out in…