
Fuck the 2016 Camaro’s are pretty...

Obligitory shoe loss. 100 Bonus points. No double shoe bonus.

Ahh, I see. That makes much more sense than every owner of a vehicle with a rear wiper blade loves having a condom on said wiper blade. Maybe.

That’s an easy wiper related question. The real wiper related question that needs to be answered is: Why do people with SUV’s (and the like) never take the little baggie off their rear wiper?? I see this all the time, and it makes me wonder if they ever turn it on, and think to themselves, “Why doesn’t the back window

Which end is the front??

I hate the whole car buying process. It’s such a terrible feeling. It seems to be the only time when buying something that it’s acceptably known that you’re being lied to; and most likely, you’re lying too about what you can afford. And both parties say all of these lies through they’re smiles, and act like it’s just

I wondered exactly that as well. If he felt so inclined, could a lawsuit be filed against State Farm for the cost / value of the vehicle since they insured it, essentially, illegally?

2 questions.

Crap... and I just had a snickers. That’s not gonna bode well for the aforementioned bicuspid.

Really?!? You make the colors of your infographic neon green and neon yellow?!? You realize I’m tint blind right?? How in the hell am I supposed to know what I Must Clean and what I Should Clean? They’re the same damn color to me!!!! You’re a special kind of evil...

Genesis x2 = Genesii?

No matter what the reasoning behind this nut-job stealing a truck, or what happens, if I were there, I’d just be furious that I’m now stuck on the highway for (potentially hours) waiting for the idiot who thinks whatever he is doing is more important than letting me get to where I’m going. *rabble rabble*

I know who made that Teaser...

Shhhhh, no ruining my fantasies.

Every time I see the word Chiron, I think of her.

My only justification for this is I was a stupid 20-something, and my “mod” was all the rage at the time.

If I waited until I’m making 100k/year, I’d probably never start a family. Or are you talking collective income? Cause that makes sense. But if it were just me footing all the bills for my life, I’d never be able to buy a brand new car.

Every one of them. All of them! Want to buy a brand new vehicle? Unless you’re buying a base line Tata Nano, you best be ready to shell out at least $350/month. To me, that’s a lot of money. And (I think) I make fairly good money. Pre-tax I’m around 50k/year, and there’s no way I’d be able to afford a decent house

As a certified 34 year old petrol-sexual, I can verify this list is accurate. I ticked off 7 out of 10 on the list. 70% is well above certification level. Sadly, I missed on Kart (couldn’t afford one, no where to race (Legally)), visible V-8 engine (I didn’t know that was a thing back then), and Power Wheels (couldn’t