Dear crazy racist white people.
Dear crazy racist white people.
Terrorists become martyrs? Where have I heard that before?
You know she smugly ran around saying things like “You don’t see US burning down cities and looting!” and was also probably a big fan of saying things like “he should have complied” when black men (and women) were murdered by the police. Fuck her, fuck her husband, fuck her parents, and anyone else who helped her on…
The best I can say about her is the same I said about Herman Cain. They both died for their beliefs.
And you know she sat on her couch all last year talking shit on BLM protest and screaming what they did was wrong, yet she turned around and did something even worse and died. Eh oh well, hope she enjoyed that last bit of freedom while she was gushing with blood on the Capitol floor.
This article is already too generous to her. She was there because she is a seditious racist. She got shot because she was participating in insurgency/terrorism. She is easy to understand, like the rest of the red hats. She was a fascist, she was stupid, she was racist, she was in a cult, and she died as a result of…
Again, that is obviously just a baby wearing a fake beard.
I’m going to be getting a lot of use out of this bad boy.
We may never know. But he seems to be carrying a rifle over his shoulder, which is a 10-year minimum sentence when you’re engaged in unauthorized entry to a protected federal building.
I saw that badge in the pictures yesterday and was like, “Is that...did he just come from work?”
She also runs a coding camp for girls which always seemed like a random but cool thing to me.
I don’t know much about Kloss except that I think she is/was friends with Taylor Swift and is connected to the Kutchners by marriage. But she appeared with Bill Nye on his show Bill Nye Saves the World, which gets her significant credit in my book:
Really? So you have a tried and true way to convince your relatives to completely change their political views and align them with your own?
How about MAMA I’M HURTING: A History of Emotional Man Ballads
There should be an entire chapter devoted to men who sound like they’re crying when they sing. Robert Smith excluded.
I believe Josh went to the Women’s March in 2016. It says volumes that Jarvanka were not invited to their wedding.
People love who they love.
The “TFW No GF” documentary was a fucking chore. The world didn’t need a Cool Girl (indie variety) to make a film about incel culture in which the subjects do a lot of showing off, trolling and navel gazing but zero reflection and self-examination.
Yeah... working on a song about the matter seems... I dunno... tone-deaf? Kinda trivializes the issue more than it brings awareness to the severity imho.
I’m not super into music or anything, but I think I can speak for the masses here...