
And I haven’t heard anything about the ACLU offering to represent TST in this case, so maybe they should have stepped up.

Yeah, I don’t really get how Grimes has become such an indie darling. She was a rich girl with extremely well connected parents and attended McGill for five years without completing her degree. Her DIY edginess is a total scam.

Apparently part of his agreement with his designers was that they received a small commission for every item sold (which was why her name was featured with each item she designed on the website.) It was only after she was terminated that the payments stopped and her design credits were removed.

One of his former graphic designers has claimed that her part-time -to-full-time design job included caring for his pets and other unrelated tasks. When she enquired when her part-time position would begin to shift into the eventual full-time role promised when hired, she was fired and her design credits scrubbed from

Unfortunately I can’t give details because it would dox a friend who dated him but, yes, Maron is an asshole who doesn’t mind publicly humiliating women.

But neither will it help the problem to forbid teacher-student relationships, which absolutely are inevitable, just as those in the workplace.

Not to dump on your brother-in-law, but in my experience this behavior doesn’t end once the prof has married a student. I’ve had this situation pop up twice in my extended family now (one is a Prof who is currently on his third student/wife) and both times marriage didn’t stop them from pursuing sexual relationships

I guess “Dating A Known Nazi Sympathizer” won’t be her worst life-choice.

A narrow ruling is narrow in its scope. This ruling is specifically about improper handling of Phillip’s case - particularly a number of statements made by the State of Colorado that appeared to show possible animus toward Phillip’s religious beliefs. So this ruling doesn’t set precedent about religious freedom/LGBTQ

Most people also aren’t the widow of arguably the most famous and iconic musician of their generation. Obsessive superfans have created convoluted conspiracy theories about the deaths of beloved celebrities for ages. See also: River Phoenix, Jean Harlow, James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, John Lennon, Elvis Presley, Grace

No, defendants aren’t legally required -and are often discouraged - from testifying in their own defense. The use of civil court is pretty obviously a money grab, an attempt to harass his ex-wife or both.

Especially since Cobain’s own widow has been crucified on the internet for having his stuff.

THIS. The way Gilbert is behaving you’d think she spent the last 25 years in hermetically sealed lucite bubble. Barr was problematic and abusive even during the first run of the show (I had the misfortune of personally experiencing that) and has only gotten worse in the past 10 years - Obama birther conspiracies, her

Apparently Jezebel pays way more than is reasonable.

I’m sure I’m going to get ripped for this,

Nah, it’s more likely people who think everyone with mental illness is a dangerous ticking time bomb waiting to go off. The same charming set of people who think autism is the cause of school shootings.

Borderline Personality Disorder isn’t curable, it’s treatable, which is a very different thing.

Yes, he did. He made a lame joke about aggressive on-set behavior comparing Tambor’s outburst to him keying Jason Bateman’s car. It was so blatantly dismissive of Water’s experience it made my skin crawl. I thought “Wow, so that’s why Amy Pohler divorced you.”

I get the feeling that much of this list was written on the back of a Delia’s catalogue while somebody waited for their mom to pick them up in front of the Cinnabon at the mall because it’s almost time for their orthodontist appointment.

Heshers in my part of the country were heavy pot smokers who were really into flannel shirts, Confederate flag bandannas, Queensryche, Rush and Scorpions.