
I guess the argument can be made that PS+ is anachronistic, but you need to level the same complaint at Microsoft. Xbox Live Gold still exists and more-or-less follows the same paradigm.

Look at the actual reviews. The vast majority are criticizing framerate, controls, graphics, load times, etc. etc.  This isn’t a case of review bombing as much as it is Kotaku refusing to even perform the barest basic functions of journalism. 

You get less game if you buy Halo Infinite than in previous titles. People are understandably upset that iconic armor sets that have been available for free no longer exist in game unless you pay money. I don’t think Kotaku has covered the revelation that there are more than 88 store bundles and that it would cost

I’d argue that, if the Battle Pass was totally fine, then we wouldn’t be hearing complaints of this volume.

You can say “halo’s not about all this stuff. It’s about the gameplay” but I used to get the campaign and MP complete for $50-$60 without microtransactions and battlepasses, so 343 made it about this stuff. They took away some stuff and charge us to get it back. I find it a bit like Squenix slowing down Avengers’ XP

That second-last paragraph screams “we’ve all been told we need to hit 350 words to fit the ad in the article”

Maybe people just have different tastes in games than you do. Yes, the game is buggy and released too soon, but people are finding a lot to like in it as well.

Visual novels have a lower barrier to entry then more traditional games, plus queer romance and sex (Especially sex) is something that is traditionally ignored in games and stories. Put those together with a few queer artists and you have a romance game.

Why most if not all queer games belong to the creepy genre of transactional romance games and why the archetypes are so unappealing.

Tangential but: I thought “say less” =/= “nuff said”

Having lived through the times of the Fog64, I don’t have a problem with any of this.

I haven’t booted up SA yet, but I think you can fix your problem by playing it on the Switch because let me tell you, from playing the ambulance mission on GTA III, cars still spawn right in front of you and send you tumbling! And the rampage missions are just as to the wire as before because the people you need to

I definitely get that Persona is more popular than SMT proper; I think that was the case long before P5. But “Persona without the heart” still seems like a pretty ignorant comparison, along the lines of saying “Advent Children is like Final Fantasy VII but with worse gameplay.” Heart is at the very core of Persona, as

Because camera shake is more than just weapon recoil. Take, for example, how the player camera might shake while running, or in a car crash, or if an explosion goes off near you.

Once you’re able to get certain guns with certain traits, the game becomes soooo much easier. 

Back in the days of Vanilla WoW, I got fascinated by a particular item that could rarely be found as a loot drop in Stranglethorn Vale - it was a journal that you could open up and read which talked about a mysterious elemental orb with power over water, and it vaguely suggested it could be found in the sea somewhere


I received the email and in none of the links does it take you to any purchases. People should research before complaining. This is a dumb article. I love Kotaku by the way. It’s a simple fourth wall email. Neither of the links are to purchase one is a map and one is to Ubi connect where the rewards are free. People

Ok honestly I think this is pretty funny

Like what Ethan wrote about...