
This spot is amazing if you are with the right people, but sometimes you get an asshat who decides to stand in the entrance and dance. While I haven't lucked out on engrams here, it is a great spot for leveling your cryptarch.

I'm fine with them leaving voice chat to just fire teams. Risking my experience, and enjoyment of the game because I have to hear random peoples screaming, singing/rapping, blaring music, or conversations about being drink/high or "faded" is something I don't want. They could add a looking for group status or, maybe

To be fair they probably crammed an average person's week worth of playtime into two days. The game is built around end-game loot and PVP. Getting motes of light/vanguard points appears to be an extremely slow process and that's where the reward lies (from my perspective anyway).

Every time Peter Dinklage reads a line in a way that indicates he has no idea what the words he's speaking are supposed to mean, take a drink. Warning: Only play this game if you've had something to eat first.

Nah, gotta disagree with that; the closer-range semi-auto rifle's good for mid and long range encounters; you lack flexibility when you're using the sniper.

What's wrong with tall gamers?

But do ticketholders get an extra hour in the ball pit?

"Son, you don't regain health after spending time with Hilda here, as a matter of fact, she'll probably cause great DPS to you with something called an STD"

The only one I couldn't complete without the hint book was KQ4, because seriously, how the fuck were you supposed to know where the unicorn's bridle was? It wasn't visible anywhere on screen and there was no particular reason for it to be where it was. But apart from that, I managed. And learned a hell of a lot about

If you ever want to know, with exactness, the composition of someone's moral standing, put them in a seemingly dire situation in which their own life or well-being are in jeopardy. Their actions will tell you everything you need to know. The man speaking and the man driving are weak cowards. Even if the driver's first

"He didn't just lick it once — he wouldn't let go, and licked it in several lascivious, short little motions,"

Michael Bay is the director our 10 year old selves would resemble the most if we were tasked making a Transformers film.

Miss Representation