
Exactly. The way it’s worded the statement doesn’t deny that she was escorted off the premises.

I expect SOMEONE walks you to the gate when you’re terminated there. Doubt they’d let you wander around alone on the way out.

The Capitol Police would have been the people in charge of that. I hope someone asks them for a statement.

Trump’s tweet was literally word-for-word what April Ryan said it would be. And she got the timing right too.

“but the Secret Service’s word choice (“termination process”) certainly implies she was fired.”

here for all this mess

How I’d like this story to end...

Mueller? ha ha

I do remember that Salma was already pretty famous by the time Frida came out.

This is about Alabama guys, the black vote carried the night and Trump blames her because they are all friends of hers and she couldn’t get them to vote for him.

Agreed. Don’t feel much for the other two but Gerwig got hosed here.

Wonder Woman was better-than-average superhero movie, which makes is a mediocre-at-best real movie. I’m sure Patty Jenkins is very talented and I’m sure she did a great job, but it would be really insulting for that movie to receive a nomination for Best Director.

So if your choice is between a guaranteed and unwanted ass reaming, or things possibly getting better or, at worst, staying the same, you’d rather sit that decision out and let fate decide? That is some grade A stupidity.

If you read it, and knew why she wasn’t there, then why did you even make the original comment? All it did was heap more negativity. Which isn’t needed, at all.

We have no idea why Kesha isn’t there, and to get completely upset by it isn’t very productive. Maybe she didn’t want to, maybe she can’t legally. Who knows. It doesn’t make her story any less powerful.

Yeah, another commenter pointed out that reasoning Time gave (which I somehow missed, so my apologies for the implication) though they also said that was only one of the reasons* - but if the article is specifically about 2017 stories, then that’s a perfectly logical reason for someone whose story is not a 2017 story

“it’s not the cover that I’m talking about.”

That’s not what Time is saying by picking a cut-off, and I think it’s ungenerous to assume that they are.

It is absolutely easy to read. It is a comfortable font. Just like sweats are super comfortable pants. If you’re dropping off a casserole to uncle Fred or dropping the kids off at basketball practice, sweats and sneakers are a perfectly acceptable wardrobe. Likewise, if you’re sending a note to aunt marge, or you’re a

Yes, cheating = AIDS and people with AIDS deserve to be spied on.