

Probably because there “unique” looks have made them the butt of jokes for years and they have raging inferiority complexes; and act out, vs winning people over on personality.

Also in the 70s he was (still is?) a practicing Buddhist, and was sometimes called Governor Moonbeam.

Guess who Jerry Brown dated back in the 70s.

I’ll allow it.

The California legislature is taking on the Trump Administration and I am so glad (especially since I live in CA). This legislation, along with other significant efforts like still following the Paris Climate Agreement, new legislation going to Jerry for signature that demands Trump’s tax returns, and moving up the CA

Now playing

i like california.. they’ve got the right idea...

The plain fact is conservatives are the real snowflakes, who absolutely melt down when there is a whiff of criticism. E.g. Everyone knows their reaction to Kathy Griffin’s beheading Trump tweet, but almost unknown is that there were shirts being sold of Trump beheading Hillary at the RNC convention. Also,

Watch the whole video before commenting. He aimed a laser sighted gun on the chest of one officer. They then told him 6 times to drop the gun. They didn’t know the gun was fake. This was suicide by cop.

“Clip shows nothing!”

I’m going to preface this by saying that rescinding Manning’s visiting fellowship was a cowardly move on the part of Harvard; if they’d had misgivings about her previous actions or her place in the national discourse, they would’ve done better to never extend the invitation in the first place than to offer it and then

I must be missing something. I read that Hillary excerpt 4 times and as best I can understand, the big to-do is she suggested she could help a reporter get Hamilton tickets. I’m not saying that’s not bad, I’m just saying...is that the unethical thing?

“Every morning at about 5 o’clock, we do the audit and we push a button to send it to ICE,” an employee said, adding, “but since we charge $19.99 a day for the wifi password, it doesn’t actually go anywhere.”

That sucks, man. These employees should just deal with their self-loathing and disappointment over ending up at Motel 6 on their own, and stop taking others down with them.

Oh for crying out loud. The voters really did think Trump was one of them. I thought it was just a “No More N[CLANG!!]” thing that was their chief motive and they never gave a fuck what idiot they elected. The stupid inbred white trash actually trusted him. Worse the “We Can Control Him” crowd just felt the leash go

My favorite part is the guy screaming about how they should treat Trump like the did Obama....and make him a one-term President. I’m sure it was just poor phrasing, but LOFuckingL.

No. He responded again telling me I’m the reason people are racist. He’s a troll I dismiss pretty frequently.

Spoiler: its C!

Wow you people really don’t like him, do you?