
I totally understand the escapism—I have my guilty pleasures! It’s just disheartening to STILL see these kinds of discussions speculating about the in-fighting (based on the lead image) among women “spurned” by a man. Im just not entertained by it and expect more from Jez.

Nice to see a feminist-leaning progressive blog promote “cat fights” between grown professional women. Progress?


You can try to pry my Michael Jackson records from my cold, dead hands.

No, silly. That’s the built-in pencil sharpener.

Sounds like you worked for a pretty janky operation.

Right?! Wuzzupwitdat?

Are you sure you’re not talking about Los Angeles? Because even though I’m not white, I engaged in all those activities this past weekend.

Counterpoint: I didn’t know her or even know that she was related to Diana Ross until about a year ago. And I used to work for ABC!

Right?! I mean, his base looks UP to him.

Exactly. Janet has the financial power to continue recording/performing forEVER! She can release an album online like Radiohead did. She could also continue to perform in cities like LA/NY/London. You know cities that don’t care if she flashed her titty on stage.

We’ve all basically FORGOTTEN about it until some asshole starts flapping their gums about poor, victimized Janet. Boo fucking hoo.

Fair enough.

How about THIS blog giving her airtime?

THIS presidency seems to be lower than the resin-encrusted remains of evaporated bong water.

Stupid mistake for sure. BUT... I’m Puerto Rican (although I’ve never been to Puerto Rico) and I have a simple saying to avoid this common mistake with the color of the stripes: “Rico is Red”

You may (or may not) be joking, but I used to drink an entire bottle every night in an attempt to help me sleep. Last year I quit the wine and switched to good old-fashioned indica. I have never sleep as well as I have for the past 18 months. It truly has been a miracle weed for my insomnia.

Rather than engage with her I’ve chosen to only speak in Spanish when I see her. It gets fun in the elevators when I walk in saying ¡Buenas Dias! to everyone and they all reply back in Spanish. Except her.

I work for a large tv/movie studio in Los Angeles. Just last month, I had a woman I work with tell me in a single 1 minute conversation...

Ha! That would be good.