I never got the appeal of him. His mouth looks like it was the model for a Simpsons character.
The soups are really good too. In decending order of delicious...Southwest Vegetable, Lentil, Black Bean.
Oh please? Oh please? Oh please? Can you give just one more hit?
THIS fuckin’ guy.
Here’s the actual quote. You can read what you want into it...
There was a segment yesterday on Vice News (I think?) regarding this. I believe it was Mattis or some other high ranking military guy speaking to a small group of soldiers and his words seemed coded (according to the trans soldier being interviewed) but he was basically saying “don’t listen to what chRump is saying.…
Yes TOTALLY over-priced (but made in USA so...yay?) Seems their whole vintage-cut line have really high waists and are kinda boxy but I assume this was more for comfort and work rather than fashion.
Not specifically for “the ladies” but high waisted/relaxed fit/cinch waist...
You fight them by writing letters and making phone calls so you don’t have to fight them with fists. You fight them with fists so you don’t have to fight them with knives. You fight them with knives so you don’t have to fight them with guns. You fight them with guns so you don’t have to fight them with tanks.
Seriously, a crying selfie?
“I hope Pizza Rat sneaks in the penthouse and drops a pepperoni turd on his face while he sleeps.”
The first song I heard on a walkman was “Freeze Frame” from J Giels Band. The sound was like nothing I had ever heard. of course that was just a 12 year olds first impression.
The first song I heard on a walkman was “Freeze Frame” from J Giels Band. The sound was like nothing I had ever…
There was a kid (czech or polish I believe) in one of my junior high classes that had a last name like that. Our teacher just nicknamed him “Alphabet” for the semester.
Last time I went to a spiritual healer he said “Oo ee. Oo ah ah. Bing, bang. Walawala wing wang.” I never went back.
They look like nice, christian Chrump voters. The rodents must have been illegal messicans. #MAGA