
The cynic in me thinks it’s because the parents don’t WANT their children to succeed. It’s like the abusive parent justifies their abusive behavior because their own parents were abusive. They don’t want their children to succeed because it makes the parent seem like a failure. There was a scene in a recent episode

Just looked them up. I’m assuming their ratings are the reason they’re not on my radar...

I don’t think she is. The only people that know her name seem to be the mouth breathing readership of gossip magazines. I’ve never even heard of her show and I work at a major US broadcast network.

Maybe that’s the cost of her drinks (which was mentioned in your quote)?

That scene scared THE SHIT out of me when I was a kid. Those weird capes with the shoulder flappy things still creep me the fuck out.

Never mind.

I do know the big groups aren’t the only game in town. And I NEVER said racism is dead or even defended any gang (I’m gay and Puerto Rican FFS)? I’m just stating the facts. 

I have always associated the iron cross with bikers rather than any type of fascism. Though there would definitely be some overlapping of bikers and white supremacists in a venn diagram.

I found out that a) this symbol is called an iron cross and b) it is a symbol of racism while reading this post.

I dunno. Magazines and books are really heavy. Maybe he was a legit collector and had every issue of certain publications? Or had an interest in collecting photography (which can be heavy if framed) and possibly sculptures? The weight could have also been from whatever he had the stuff stored in. Six tons of dvd

yet is incapable of staying in any sort of relationship for longer than it takes to quickly marry and dump his newest flame.

Sorry. My blinker is NOT a request. It’s an INDICATOR that I’m changing lanes. Like it or not, I’m moving into the lane.

I don’t think rolls such as Lady in Jail, Mustache Cop and Tranny usually leave a big mark on Hollwood. The only reason I know of her is because I used to see her out at the clubs in the 90's as Eva Destruction. That’s really the ONLY reason I recognize her in any of her roles.

I can’t get past the leg twist/warp. Sanforized only for me.

I can’t get past the leg twist/warp. Sanforized only for me.

Rogue Territory—14.5oz Stanton Fit. Great fit, awesome break-in, cut/sewn locally here in Los Angeles.

Rogue Territory—14.5oz Stanton Fit. Great fit, awesome break-in, cut/sewn locally here in Los Angeles.

Right?! Morning-after popcorn is THE BEST popcorn.

Never heard of him either (I’m old). But after seeing/hearing the clip another commenter posted, I have zero interest in knowing/hearing anything more about him.

The IE is a shithole of epic proportions.