
I love Jim.

Moogle magnet? Or do they just really enjoy rubbing their heads on you? And if the latter how does one go about becoming irresistible to Moogles?

I am now imagining someone typing that out with pot holders taped to their hands.

I would say especially by that definition she wouldn't be. I'm assuming you're kidding but thankfully that's not the world we live in.

Bullshit, even male Blood Elves are prettier than the Night Elves.

To this day the best guild name I've ever seen has to be Dead Gnome Storage.

Is she actually being considered by Time? I think that would be a clear sign that they've lost all credibility.

Well he's making a shit ton of money so he couldn't be that stupid. (He's actually not stupid at all just to be clear.) And if you want to get super technical about it most heterosexual men and many lesbians will end up being motherfuckers at some point in their lives, I mean it's practically unavoidable.

Dude... (hush) We don't talk about Creed.

Imagine this scenario if you will:

Yeah that's kind of disturbing to someone (me, as in I'm the person I'm talking about but don't worry this isn't going to turn into one of those weird philosophical discussions about what is the self or... uh...) that had no idea about this game but backed Mighty no. 9. I'm not sure how I feel about this. If he's

Whatever you do, don't piss on them.

No sarcasm, you two should duet more often.

I'm kinda pissed they didn't send me one for free. But then again it's a Vita so I'm not that pissed.

Maybe a little early to say but I get the feeling this "damage control" will soon need some damage control of its own.

Nope. An exception like that would fundamentally undermine the entire reason for that law.

If they didn't order the Vita, then by definition the Vita is unsolicited. Had they ordered a Vita and received that Vita and weren't charged for it, then that would fall under solicited.

I have that feeling in every shooter. Even the shooters I like. I haven't played through this installment much but the story, art, and atmosphere are all amazing.

You're not the only one. There's no way this is worth what they're charging if that is the case. Even for a collectible. You can't just make limited availability kitsch like this and sell it as a collectible straight faced.