
Ditto but I prefer League more and more. Dota2 is a fine game I just have more fun in LoL. Either way they're different and that's okay.

She's my favorite ADC, in fact I didn't care for the role much until she was released.

There aren't many companies making music videos for their free to play games these days. As to say Riot is the only one I know of.


Gotcha, thanks for the clarification.

Now playing

While I'm at it, this guy, Dave Archer, is a mad genius.

It's well polished, in that it's pretty and everything works. However like with Warcraft Blizzard still doesn't know what the hell balance means. It also suffers from being too much in the middle, meaning it tries to have the depth of Magic the Gathering while also offering a fast and casual experience. Try as it

The actual Bob has been dead for several months. His posts are now a byproduct of unstable interactions between various networks and emergent social media software bugs. Bob is now one with the machine and fueled purely by memes.

You learn new stuff every day!

I'd like to see that entire video and not just a clip. It seems like that's taken out of context to me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm AMD all the way (for many reasons that don't include absolute best performance), but is there a better CPU on the market they could have used? Seems like they used one of Intel's fastest offerings.

Holy crap nostalgia.

Pay the man his money.

Yeah cuz 'murica cares about international lawz and stuff.

This is way too meta for me.

Nb4 The feds confiscate their toys, because you know... patriot stuff and stuff.

Six months is my rule. I never purchase tech unless it's been on the market for six months and even then I'll only purchase if I can reasonably assume the product was manufactured after the bugs have been shook out.

Who do you think is going to fight the inevitable robot uprising?

"God I really hope this generates a bunch of half witted transphobic commentary..."