Mark my words: If there isn’t a “Saints got robbed!” chant at the first Home Game, I’ll Bayou a steak dinner.
Saints fans will continue flood the NFL offices with their grievances
Anxiously awaiting the flood of puns that are sure to follow.
my beloved wife was crying her eyes out in the bedroom because she’s a Colts fan
Wow these fans are ready to levee war on NFL officials.
“Some people are fans of the Los Angeles Chargers.”
“Sure, we could have demanded he pay us the money back. But that didn’t feel like the right thing to do. Andrew was more than just our quarterback, he was the person we rallied around after we let Peyton Manning go He brought us together: our present, our future and our glorious past. From our point of view, he helped…
Seems she thought that she was...above the law.
Wonder if “screwing over his fantasy team” rates between “screwing his ex-wife” and “taking his memorabilia” on the OJ vengeance scale.
I grew up outside of Philly and I hate the fucking Eagles, man.
Wow, he’s really lucky, because, while they take drug offenses super-seriously in New Hampshire, they recently repealed the death penalty. Not only that, but hanging was still on the books in NH as one of the possible means of execution, until earlier this year! So, he won’t have to worry about mobs of people…
Oh, I’m well aware of why they’re doing it. I just question the utility of it.
+1 Best Kinja-supplied WYTS idea yet
And most (all?) of John Waters’ films.
I’m a Patriots fan (I know, boo hiss), and I could argue the last three of their Super Bowl MVPs should be redistributed.
Yeah, trade Wilson and use all the draft picks trying to get the next Wilson. Genius.
And a taste of WYTS things to come....
God I hope the Saints get fucked by one of these this season.
I look forward to the day when the rulebook takes four pages to define a clap.