
Funny (and not surprising) how the original claim was that “the evolution side gets hot and animated, while the creation side tries to stick with facts” gets shot down faster than the half life of polonium.

The only people left listening to his patronizing rants are the people who completely agree with everything he says. Him and DeGrasse Tyson have basically become the science communities very own version of Fox / MSNBC.

You don’t hire Richard Dawkins if you want to convince believers that religion is bunk, and you don’t hire Bill Nye if you want to convince “skeptics” that science is valid. Both excel at preaching to the choir and to young people at that precious age where they realize what they were told as children might be

This show is for the people that think a man with a Bachelors in Engineering, a serious ranting problem and a now apparently lost knack for making science fun for kids is the way to cure Trump and everyone like him of their hatred of science. As it turns out an old lunatic that spends most of his screen time ranting

It wasn’t in violation of his rights. The nutjob wouldn’t leave when told to do so. What a moron.. He deserved what he got.

What rights do you have? At this point, you are trespassing.

Hey, know that evil “government” that you all hate so much?

If you don’t like the rules of flight, don’t fly or alternatively, run for congress and pass a bill that doesn’t allow air carriers to bump passengers.

Either you’re missing the point of the post or I am. This post isn’t about the passenger.

The likelihood of there being a doctor with the same specialisms and intimate knowledge of his patients as this guy, available on short notice, is probably lower than there being another United Airlines employee to spend a day covering the one they were transferring.

They’ve been nuancing the shit out of us for most of the last 40 years. Does it have to be tyranny before we can complain? Isn’t abuse enough?

I wonder if there were four United employees in Louisville who could have acted as the flight crew the next day.

It’s been reported that this guy is a doctor who refused to leave because he had patients he needed to see... So it’s more important than “a fucking plane ticket”.

It’s interesting how you define “violence” as getting the shit beat out of you by not moving fast enough. According to other reports, he already said he needed to get home to treat patients, and was on the phone to his lawyer — you can see the phone still in his hand as his unconscious body was being dragged away, by

“Violently resisting “The Man””?????

You know what would’ve happened if he’d just gotten off the plane and “pursue[d] [his] legal remedies later?” He’d have gotten his $800 or whatever and his lawyer would’ve been like “yeah dude, nothing I can do here,” and that would’ve been the end of it.

“[A]n immature and stupid response that literally could not have ended any other way.” What an impressively succinct encapsulation of exactly the type of reflexive bootlickery Burneko denounced in his piece. And the nice thing is, you can make literally the same exact argument in favor of literally any act of defiance

Americans rush to defend the rich because we are a nation of temporarily embarrassed millionaires.

what pisses me off about this is the whole employee transfer thing. that united would rather 1) offer $3200 for people to disembark to save, what, $2000 flying the employees on another airline? and very obviously 2) beat the fucking shit out of a guy and settle the inevitable multi-million dollar lawsuit that results

Mencken said that no one ever went broke underestimating the stupidity of the American people, and I would argue that no one ever went broke underestimating their apathy. Its amazing the kind of mental logic people will put themselves through to avoid even questioning the status quo a little bit. The (insert