It isn’t reporting back to the “mothership” (lol) with the data it finds. All the processing is done locally, so it’s not really comparable to Google. Or an issue as such.
It isn’t reporting back to the “mothership” (lol) with the data it finds. All the processing is done locally, so it’s not really comparable to Google. Or an issue as such.
This is not good advice. Better to just use the private browsing mode on your browser of choice if you are on a computer besides your own. Then all cookies are removed when you close the window. Relying on this approach would still leave all other cookies as well as history entries and cached pages, which could tell…
You need to start evidencing this shit. You have shown no proof that any of this actually uses the resources you claim, and you haven’t linked to any. Next you’ll be saying disable push e-mail and turn off bluetooth when you’re not using it.
What is the difference between using this for textbooks vs using
Edit: Nevermind, looks like TUN doesn’t show rentals. If you get a chance, you should review, It has saved me and my friends hundreds of dollars each semester.
Not everyone uses Chrome as their primary browser or they want their chats to appear outside the browser (I presume the extension appears as a tab, I don’t actually use it). To be honest I wish they would release as an independent app so I don’t have to have Chrome chewing up resources in the background.
My parents are both decently educated immigrants, but the family income was a bit one-sided since my mother did not work. This led to a host of family issues, which resulted in a divorce around late middle school/early high school. Given that our area has one of the highest costs of living in the country, times were…
Vote: LastPass
In my experience though, Uber surge pricing usually corresponds to times when there is very high demand and it is virtually impossible to get a taxi. While my friends were upset about their $130 Halloween night rides, for example, they only took them after spending like 20 minutes trying in vain to hail a normal taxi.
I feel the same way. It might not be the most "efficient" way of doing things but I have a system that works and works great for me. I tried the email apps that were supposed to revolutionize how we used email and absolutely hated them.
FYI Flow does not work on ipad
One computer is also 2x smaller and FAR quieter than the other. Is it possible to buy a cheaper machine, sure! But if you are doing client work and essentially charge it to them through your hourly rate, after a while it pays for itself. And in no uncertain circumstances would a hackintosh be a good idea (broken…
I'm too stupid to correctly quantify this, but to somehow account for the size of their customer base, I divided the number of votes by how many mission customers they have (from Wikipedia), providing a rudimentary 'hate index':
Just buy the slow cooker liners for a few bucks and never have to worry about it again. They are located in the same spot as Ziplock bags.