
While I’m sure that many “looters” would consider it the moral choice to feed their families during the worst storm in living history, I’m sure in the back of their minds they are also worried about dickheads like the ones in the article and the comments that will try to prosecute them afterwards anyway.

All theaters need to do is increase spending opportunities in the theatres themselves. Improve the concessions! Offer alcohol! Have game machines in the lobby! Sell movie merch! There’s a lot of good ideas there, and all of them benefit when there’s a lot of foot traffic.

How can you verify they are truly Certified? I don’t exactly trust that “They said so on the product description” is enough when I’m about to use them as my only shield against the sun.
(Except for the time I’d be using the actual Moon as the shield, of course)

How can you verify they are truly Certified? I don’t exactly trust that “They said so on the product description” is

I hear Bill O’Reilly is looking for a job.

And me, too. Monthly subscriber here

And me, too. Monthly subscriber here

Polonium forms from the alpha decay of radon, which is one of the decay products of uranium. Since radon is a gas, it can migrate through small cracks in the minerals. The fact that polonium haloes are found only associated with uranium (the parent mineral for producing radon) supports this conclusion, as does the

I thought this show was more for rallying the core audience of you know, common sense science literate people, rather than try to convince anyone. Because it fails hard at the reaching out part.

In addition, why does it matter if he’s a doctor, a janitor, a CEO, other actually THE DOCTOR? He still got beat up. He still got stuck in a situation that should have been resolved in an entirely different way.

That sounds like exactly the kind of bill that gets passed AFTER SOMETHING LIKE THIS HAPPENS. Not before.
I’d like to see a politician run on “I was bumped off a flight once. I didn’t resist or anything, I just got $800 and a free night at a hotel, but I think it was shitty I had to wait” instead of “We can’t have

Entirely different electorates. Hillary voters would definitely have voted for Bernie in the general. But Trump voters would have been much more likely to switch to Bernie than HAHAHAHHAHAHA vote for Hillary.

That fits the third scenario that I wrote about. For the most part, I’m more thinking about things like idk, Longhorn Steakhouse or whatever.

I do find it hard to believe that it’s so hard to just give the table to a walk-in.
Scenario 1: It’s a cheap restaurant, so not showing up doesn’t mean that a whole lot of prep has been wasted.
Scenario 2: It’s a fancy expensive restaurant, so any free table should be gobbled up by any last-minute type person that calls

I see no mentions of the Archer reference “Do you want to get burnt by molten metal? Because that’s how you get burned by molten metal”

Except, if that money was given /directly/ to the poorest, you would still be able to make furniture. Example:
A community receives wealth in the form of infrastructure projects, subsidized pay, lower costs in public transit, whatever, the money from the rich was reallocated to a larger sector of the population.

Glad to assist! For the record, we’re at around 7500000000 right now.

Glad to assist! For the record, we’re at around 7500000000 right now.

That percentage does not allow fault tolerance of even a single person storing it outside a cupboard. If even one out of a thousand people store it wrong, the ratio should be 99.9%. One in a million, 99.9999%. I’m sure these people exist.

That percentage does not allow fault tolerance of even a single person storing it outside a cupboard. If even one

“At the last debate, Donald has asked me how do you lose 6 billion dollars. I say just loan it to Donald Trump”

it’s actually called ‘a joke’.

It’s not available because they haven’t done the programming for Transform. Once they do, they’ll introduce him.

It works 100% of the time, 33% of the time.