
Sould out. got any other good alternatives?

Sould out. got any other good alternatives?

Step 1: Use actual meat, like, from a dead animal.

VPNs are a thing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Ok, so after getting on chat with Amazon, watch out because this is deceptive AF. On the EXACT PAGE that the 30% discount ad links you to, there is actually a mix of applicable cases and non-applicable ones. The applicable ones show PRIME DEAL on a blue ribbon, while the non-applicable ones do not. So unless you pick

Ok, so after getting on chat with Amazon, watch out because this is deceptive AF. On the EXACT PAGE that the 30%

I got similar results, I ordered one, saw the 30% off, and then I decided to buy another one, and it was NOT 30% off

I got similar results, I ordered one, saw the 30% off, and then I decided to buy another one, and it was NOT 30% off

I wanted a new MFI Controller for my Apple TV. Found one with good reviews and bought it.

Shows expired for me.

Shows expired for me.

This sounds like the opening of a Bones episode..


You are 100% not required to use Evernote for this. I just scan things and either email it or AirDrop it to my mac.


Bullshit. Book One: Hagrid takes a bag of gold out of Harry’s vault to cover those costs. Book Six: Tom Riddle explains to Dumbledore he doesn’t have money to pay for school, and Dumbledore says there’s a special fund for those who can’t afford it (meaning that there is no such fund for those who *can* afford it, the

How does this protect against Man In The Middle Attacks? I saw no mention of any kind of ROT or certification processes.

Would you have called them... Xenaphobics?

Hey Joe, my question is, which passwords should *not* be long, randomly generated passwords? For example, while I’d like to have *everything* be securely protected with LastPass, there might be services I would need to be able to access in an emergency, in which having access to my vault is not a guarantee. Think

I have been telling this to people for the longest time. I’m glad I got an expert to back me up!

I actually used them opposite, I use the small side for trash and the big one for recycling. That way it forces me to take out the smelly trash sooner, and I can fit more bottles and stuff in the recycling side. I really like it.

I actually used them opposite, I use the small side for trash and the big one for recycling. That way it forces me

I would think it’d still be for sale whether I have the $45 million or not.

Don’t the BIG stores have carts with magnets? With the angled conveyor belt? Those were fun.

And an Apple Music playlist.