
I wanted a new MFI Controller for my Apple TV. Found one with good reviews and bought it.

Shows expired for me.

Shows expired for me.


You are 100% not required to use Evernote for this. I just scan things and either email it or AirDrop it to my mac.

How does this protect against Man In The Middle Attacks? I saw no mention of any kind of ROT or certification processes.

Hey Joe, my question is, which passwords should *not* be long, randomly generated passwords? For example, while I’d like to have *everything* be securely protected with LastPass, there might be services I would need to be able to access in an emergency, in which having access to my vault is not a guarantee. Think

I have been telling this to people for the longest time. I’m glad I got an expert to back me up!

I actually used them opposite, I use the small side for trash and the big one for recycling. That way it forces me to take out the smelly trash sooner, and I can fit more bottles and stuff in the recycling side. I really like it.

I actually used them opposite, I use the small side for trash and the big one for recycling. That way it forces me

And an Apple Music playlist.

But Authy effectively makes a 3 Factor Authenticator. Something you know (password), something you have (phone), and something you are (fingerprint). 3FA > 2FA

Sometimes people are paid for the responsibility they take on, not just about the skills or effort they need to put in.

But what about the Nisha letter??

Because allegedly you want that boiling water for *something*. Usually, you put stuff in it to cook in the boiling water. Doing so in the microwave doesn’t have the same results as boiling something.

Underwear! There’s no better investment in my comfort than my trusty pairs of MeUndies. You guys recommended it some time ago, and I’ve been thankful to you guys ever since.

Uhm, paying for an App that doesn’t sync with Feedly? No, thanks. You’re right, Reeder is much better, if only for that feature alone.

I would probably recommend leaving *most* of these features on. Learn to use and embrace them! Don’t disable most of what makes a phone a smartphone.

Or, if you want someone that speaks his mind clearly, with no bullshit, and doesn’t happen to be an idiot... I present to you Bernie Sanders.

Apple revolutionizes delivery! Too bad there are entire companies who are far better at the whole “pick something up and take it someplace else” business. Don’t even get me started on Amazon Drone delivery. The whole idea of having your own secondary car to just pick stuff up for you is pretty silly.
Companies having

Because literally anything else is probably a much better option for you at that point, given the super high interest rates and predatory behavior of payday loans. That was the point of the rant.

worked for me. Put your cursor over an app icon in the dock, the swipe up with two fingers.