
But Authy effectively makes a 3 Factor Authenticator. Something you know (password), something you have (phone), and something you are (fingerprint). 3FA > 2FA

Sometimes people are paid for the responsibility they take on, not just about the skills or effort they need to put in.

Edible spoon maker? I don’t know about you but I don’t like eating electronics.

But so is Superman. He grew up in Kansas, that’s about as american as it gets.

But what about the Nisha letter??

Actual counterpoint - There are plenty of people way more interesting than you are.

2.1 decadollars!!

Why Title it that way? I find it really frustrating. You’d have gotten about the same number of clicks with “How to cancel Apple Music if you want”, or “REMINDER: Apple Music Trial period ends”. Implying, of course, that people exist that want to keep it.

Because allegedly you want that boiling water for *something*. Usually, you put stuff in it to cook in the boiling water. Doing so in the microwave doesn’t have the same results as boiling something.

Yes, you put references to the science, but not for how Weeping Angels work? How do I know you’re not making random Doctor Who stuff? There’s a very strict Doctor Who lore, you know?

Underwear! There’s no better investment in my comfort than my trusty pairs of MeUndies. You guys recommended it some time ago, and I’ve been thankful to you guys ever since.

Me? I’m not. I just like being funny when the opportunity presents itself. See, implying that he didn’t know Chrome was slow because the article that would’ve informed him of such wouldn’t load for months is a bit ironic. Thus, making that comment amused myself. I don’t see what the problem is here, officer.

Uhm, paying for an App that doesn’t sync with Feedly? No, thanks. You’re right, Reeder is much better, if only for that feature alone.

Was that supposed to be directed at me? Because my hardware screams at the speed of light, baby.

It was on article a few months back. Maybe you were still waiting for the tab to load.

If good editing can do this to Game of Thrones and Joffrey, imagine what they could do to Planned Parenthood videos!

I would probably recommend leaving *most* of these features on. Learn to use and embrace them! Don’t disable most of what makes a phone a smartphone.

Yeah... Light is not “scattering”, or evern “going through” the cluster. It’s like you didn’t bother to understand this at all and just filled it with sciency buzzwords.

How hot does that thing get?

Yep, still using it and still loving it.