
The beatings will continue until morality rises.

Or, if you want someone that speaks his mind clearly, with no bullshit, and doesn’t happen to be an idiot... I present to you Bernie Sanders.

Yeah, but they could also just all be murderers and rapists. Some, I assume, are good people.

The worst part is that there have been other articles about evoting before, and every time someone posts this video in the comments.

Apple revolutionizes delivery! Too bad there are entire companies who are far better at the whole “pick something up and take it someplace else” business. Don’t even get me started on Amazon Drone delivery. The whole idea of having your own secondary car to just pick stuff up for you is pretty silly.
Companies having

It’s one solution. I’m sure there are others, the worse one being “Let’s keep using hihgly pollutant coal power plants”

I’m not sure we have an imaginary audience, we both had people star our comments. Me telling you to go fuck yourself was just an attempt to end this conversation in a witty note, by stealing your phrase and using it against you. It’s used very often in comedy. I’m sorry you didn’t get that. Please, if you do choose to

It’s cute that you think this is about you. This is a public forum, not us chatting in a bar. If that were the case I could’ve just paid my tab and left. This is a place where other people read what other people have to say. I may convince you, I may not. I may also convince someone else that’s reading this, or you

I’m not sure if that relates to the discussion that we were having, but yes, I am also willing to concede it is desirable to everyone who votes have a baseline understanding of english, but I am not willing to concede that people who don’t have this basic understanding of english should have their ability to vote

You seem to be getting rather angry about this. Let’s try to find a middle point, ok?

No, I gave a possible scenario, followed with a “who the fuck cares?”, because I realized the actual scenario doesn’t matter. Voting should be made available to as many people as possible, and made as easy to vote as possible. Period. That’s democracy.

Um, no. As a democracy, we care about everyone’s opinion and voice. Not saying that always happens, but that’s the standard we should strive for. You don’t know what interface that was, or if that person had any disabilities, or actually who the fuck cares. They have a voice, and it’s important to honor it.

Oh, look a racist! Hey people! Look here! One decided to be out and open about it!

These voters have voices and they matter. That’s the whole point of democracy, that everyone has a voice, not just the people you agree with.


Of course I’m happy I don’t have that job. But I can’t expect everyone to have my quality job either. Not overnight, at least. Apple does, and much more than others, help the living and working situations of their Chinese laborers. That’s a fact. I’m not saying it’s nearly enough, or that as a result, everyone is

Put up a curtain and light your room with an LED. These problems you speak of, have solutions.

Huh, I guess his chart wasn’t ‘nuff to paint the whole picture.

Well, they do. They do more audits and have stricter labor requirements than most other companies that manufacture in China. But you don’t hear about that, because by sheer size alone, Apple attracts all the bad press when something bad happens. But yeah, let’s just stick to witty comebacks because that’s what the