
... I don’t think that was mud.

Well, this is awkward. I just like you as a friend.

Thank you for doing for me the job I should have done, of a simple google search. True hero to my lazyness.

Not the same dev I think... CCleaner is Pirisoft I think? This is Mirinsoft. They do look very much alike, that’s why I came to the comments...

Hey! I’m reading that!

Yeah, Apple one is more expensive. Hear you there. But... it’s encrypted on their end. Google’s isn’t. Which, incidentally, is more expensive to store encrypted than non-encrypted. I don’t personally value privacy that much, but others might.

Trackpad Keyboard. Continuity. Touch ID. Pretty much the same Photos App but happening in device instead of in Apple’s servers. Swift.

I was actually talking about Now On Tap, which is what was first mentioned in the article. And Google IO had a lot of times where I thought “Google Introduces iOS for Android”.

I don’t think it’s fair to say a company imitated another one in a feature that was announced only a few weeks prior in another conference. It’s likely the features were in development long before either company announced them, and the impression of copying comes only from the scheduling of conferences.

Good point! So, there’s a lot of avenues for attack. It’s certainly not *easy* to hack into an iPhone. But it’s doable! There are types of encryptions that can be made so complex that each attempt takes a full second, even if the password is “1234”. That just means your first guess (1234) would take a full second.

Newsflash: If you’re planning on using a doc with this Mac, you’re not the target audience for this Mac. Get a Pro like a real person.

No, just one. Touch ID. Increasing the lock digits only improves the crypto behind it, and you rarely need to actually type it in (just after reboots, mostly).

Yes, to unlock the device. But if they are trying to crack the data, there are tools to extract the encrypted data off the phone and then try to brute force it outside of the device. This is not protected by the device lock.

Well, I did it a bit different... I decided not to even think about the problem. I wanted to flex my programming skills a bit, so I built a genetic algorithm to solve it. It worked pretty well! Here is one winner solution it found:

Apple could, overnight, win the Messaging App war, if they only released iMessage (and FaceTime) for Android and Windows Phone. It’s ridiculous how fast everyone would migrate from Whatsapp and such.

your avatar pic fills me with anxiety.

I want to share this so more people see the bullshit, but I’m also afraid that they’d see this articles and believe them.

Do you even read bro? They’re not shipping out fault taptic engines. They’re in short supply because they only want to ship ones with working taptic engines. So, that doesn’t apply.

I feel like Water would still solve the problem though...