
Guys, it's not about whether the movie would be good or not, or if it killed a fictitious leader or a real one. It's not even about free speech! It's about ethics in gaming journalism.

From app description:

Dude! you should go tell ESA! They'll be so embarrassed to find out you knew this this whole time.

How to do this on iOS:

Thanks for letting me know. I was worried I wouldn't know if you had read it or not.

Ok, so I see a lot of negativity coming to this. First, disclaimers... Anyone can look up my post log and see I'm a great Apple supporter and usually bash on Samsung.

I'd have been like: Yes. Yes it is. *with a completely straight face*

I know! I wants!

Where were you hiding the idea for the iPhone? Well, in my ass, of course.

Ok, well, then that's what should happen :P

Yep, LastPass' the bomb.

No kidding. When I go, I think I'd prefer my family to just have me cremated or whatever the cheapest option would be. I wouldn't care. Take the money and go in a vacation or something, give them time to repair.

Yep, I do. But I do see features of Google's playthings bleeding into Gmail and annoying me. Knowing the direction something is going is incredibly useful in knowing when to get off.

Ugh, no thanks. I like my emails as a stream of data that allows me to see ALL of them. I really didn't like what Gmail did with the multiple tabs, it had me checking 4 places instead of 1. I also tried multiple inboxes, and it drove me insane. I don't like it when they try to "guess" what's important or not. I like

Adam, have you ever met Randall Munroe from XKCD? I feel like you two would get along together. I'd love to see the result of a collaboration.

Hi Adam! I love how you sometimes bring guests out for special themed episodes to Mythbusters, like Vince Gilligan on the Breaking Bad episode. Who would you really like to have on the show next?

Sweet! This is literally the best news I got all day.

I loved watching Mythbusters live when I had cable, but now that I don't, I have to resort to Netflix. In there, it gets incredibly annoying to recap the entire show every time a commercial break was scheduled (and now obviously absent). What are your thoughts on having to always be recapping episodes instead of