
As a current owner of one, I couldn't be happier with them. My only complaint is not about the picture, but the sound. Speakers are crappy. But I use a sound system anyways so I barely ever deal with it. The screen looks amazing, but I haven't had the chance to try 4K content yet.

I really, really, and truly wish this is real. Please make it so.

How are those data caps treating you? Also, battery life indoors is gloriously better if you are connected to WiFi.

Can't I just be happy for a while? Jeez.

Can't wait to get home and display it on my 4K TV. This is the stuff they were made for.

You need better friends then. Or your mind is too innocent. Or too dirty for Apples To APples, in which case you need to try out Cards Against Humanity.

Pretty. But I still think it's the most stupid way to chat. You get to use the internet, and dispose of boundary limitations, and have group chat.... but only allow it on one phone. It's retarded. It's like they just can't go all the way and let us sync multiple devices to your account. That's why I try to keep

In addition, you can switch it on and off as needed, as most people do more things than just videogames on their TVs... Watching a Movie? turn the feature on. Playing a game? Turn it off.

I don't need EVERYTHING to be 4k. Just as long as I can get some content that I'd really care about in 4K. I imagine there will be plenty of oportunities for 4K content that some people, like James Cameron or Alfonso Cuaron will want to experiment with. I can't wait to see Gravity from my couch in 4K, which I bet will

It's not about the 4k content we have today, it's about the 4k content we will have by the time we replace the tv in 5+ years

Lots! you can't expect every goddamn hospital to only use robots to care for people. Maybe soooome things can be done remotely, for the sake of time constrains (imagine an urgent operation where the only qualified doctor is really far away), but for most things you'd actually expect a doctor to physically see you and

And I have one, as of last week. And the deal is real, and it's fantastic. The 1080p playback is really good. The interpolation at 120Hz is reasonably good too, if you're into that (preferences! It can be turned off). I feel it works better in some shows/movies than others.

Let me see if I can un-idiotize the other guys comment.
The Internet is replacing a lot of the need for travel. It will not, however, make it obsolete. There are simply too many things that work best in person, no matter how good your skype call is.

They guessed or they didn't.

Yes, and I think it's just the stupidest unit there could be. It's like trying to be scientific, going with an absolute scale, but not fully committing and sticking with Fahrenheit, which is a stupid unit.
And all of you defending it: shut up. You only are because you grew up on it and are used to it. There is NO ONE,

You know it's not an either or, right? Watch your shoews and movies at 4k30Hz, as they aren't going to render more frames anyways. And 1080p for gaming. Win win in my book. And I own a 55" 4k sheik I, and it's kind of amazing.

I just installed my new 55" 4K SEIKI. I like it a lot so far. I'm not sure what people are bitching about, picture is really clear and it was a really good price to future-proof a purchase I probably won't make again for 4-5 years.

Thank you! Now, another question is, can I set it to 1080p (with or without upscaling [does that happen at the tv or the source?]) and take advantage of the higher refresh rates?

Pardon my ignorance, but if the refresh rate is 120Hz, why can't it do more than 30fps? Given that 1Hz=1fps?

Please elaborate?