Contracts. They could find advertisers that would agree to those terms. They'd find some, just not many.
Contracts. They could find advertisers that would agree to those terms. They'd find some, just not many.
Yeah, I'd maybe agree there. Because picking up one penny isn't actually cutting down my productivity time in a perceivable way. But spending half an hour to pick up 200 would.
Imagine what you could've bought if you spent all that time working.
The whole "not worth your time" is only true if you were to /actually/ generate money during that time lost. The 3 seconds it takes you to pick up money off the ground during your free time is entirely well spent, even if it's just a penny, at least you got to burn a few calories too in the process.
Science! Good to know this stuff.
Oh. Uhm, I was joking... I wasn't expecting a serious answer.
Are you sure you're testing on the iPhone 5? You will get the old screen size if you are testing on a 4 or 4s. Haven't checked on the 3GS.
A planet big enough to support both the sun and this in its surface? Would probably collapse on its own way before you can put them even close.
Yes, it could, but they're using it as a measure of distance. Calculating the actual speed of light near a black hole would be... difficult.
Put your Dropbox inside of your google drive. Done.
Put your Dropbox inside of your google drive. Done.
I'm pretty sure he is. Those damn texting kids.
Pros: What Aidian said.
Sure. Let's just not teach anything complicated to anyone. Now no one will fail. Hurray! Good grades for everyone! Well, that was easy.
And apple has their own people who surge the Internet defending the product. Their customers.
Nestlé killed,unwholesome family in a fire. Stop buying nestle products.
What are you going to say next year when Apple releases the
Uhm, there is already an iPad with Retina, and a myriad of apps that support it. There is no need to rewrite all the apps for the retina iPad mini.
Yes. Unless you watch 9.9999... Hours. Which is mathematically identical to 10