
Woot! Fridays!!!

PETA protest in 3...2...1...

@michael: yeah... they also used cars. Should we bash on Henry Ford because he enabled Hitler to move more efficiently?

It seems Multiple Inboxes is still better for me. Smart labeling and filtering takes care of all my sorting. Maybe if it can be integrated into Multiple Inboxes..

btw, the title is wrong, you are saying that the image is larger than expected as in, "Whoa! The image is 12MP more than we can process!". SHould read something like "Image *shows* the debris is bigger than expected*

@jcnaquin: ditto on the RemoteDroid. it's pretty epic. Gmote is also a good alternative.

Oh god! Today IS Friday!!! I thought it was Thursday! Thank God!

@ElrondHubbard: I was about to say the same. I don't feel like showing everybody I have a gizillion iMacs... both for thieves, and I also have to keep my I-HATE-APPLE rep.

@MattM: I already do. Mind that they actually check it though. My Mom still manages to find the worst possible times to call. If possible, schedule "best time to call" in that calendar, and it will help a lot with overanxious family.

Mine is waaay more intricate.

can anyone really be happy about an *increased* boot time of an SSD?

@jxhndxe: I don't mind them not using the best tools available if they don't know about them. But if they have been shown on repeated occasions how something is SO MUCH BETTER, and takes maybe 10min to configure, and still use the same crappy tools, it just makes me weep for humanity.

I remember my roommate last year got his first email address ever, his .edu address. He would only use their crappy IE-only site, and despite me trying to get him to switch to gmail or anything else, he just wouldn't do it. He also never had a Facebook account (I don't think he has one yet either), and would not

@Sean Harrington: Not negate it per se... Still, you've got a point. I'd like to be able to confirm it or retry via voice.

@jaredphw: I would mostly use this ONLY in public, especially in front of iPhone users. It's a great feature to show off.

I'm betting on the web app store going live.

@JGab: It's Google. They probably DO know about your book. And the drafts that are saved in your computer, and the list of books you read that inspired you to write it.

@PoG: Now we need Appbrain links, and I'll be 100% happy.