
I remember my roommate last year got his first email address ever, his .edu address. He would only use their crappy IE-only site, and despite me trying to get him to switch to gmail or anything else, he just wouldn't do it. He also never had a Facebook account (I don't think he has one yet either), and would not

@Sean Harrington: Not negate it per se... Still, you've got a point. I'd like to be able to confirm it or retry via voice.

@jaredphw: I would mostly use this ONLY in public, especially in front of iPhone users. It's a great feature to show off.

I'm betting on the web app store going live.

@JGab: It's Google. They probably DO know about your book. And the drafts that are saved in your computer, and the list of books you read that inspired you to write it.

@PoG: Now we need Appbrain links, and I'll be 100% happy.

I've been using Ctrl +Enter on Chrome since release... you sure you can't get it to work?

Paul McCartney concert tomorrow!!!!

@ads2k2.1: Someone is still paying for it. And hey, it's a license.

@Igor Neumann: no, they see other people's BP judgement and they copy and paste it, with some funny rewriting.

@Igor Neumann: I've grown to accept and respect their Photoshop limitations, and just take them as pictorial representations of the story, instead of intended pieces of art.

Even then, I don't think the drug use is as much of a problem as drug abuse. Drugs can do wonders for creativity, just ask The Beatles. As long as it's not abused, of course, just ask Marilyn Manson.

@mexi1010: he was really anti-social I guess..

@ludwigk: You have just described... Imagination!!! God forbid our children start using it.

We wants Androids.

@geoffsm: Well, they are not really "there", they are out doing stuff. Them showing in the screen symbolizes how "close" your friends are with flipboard.

@l4crosse: Exactly. And what bother me is that when you are trying to close the scissors in normal cutting procedure, you'll be giving the magnets more potential energy to separate them again. Besides the magnet lock function, it does not help cutting at all.