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His are the best I've seen, though I am not sure they qualify as "low relief" sculptures as they are almost full sculptures. Here is something similar, in actual time-lapse, though this guy uses airbrushing for final touches, which makes the final sculpture pretty far away from the idea of a jack-o-lantern.

I believe you are referring to sexual harassment, which men do to women far too often, and I was referring to just basic sexual attraction (regardless of how people react to it). I think "sexualize" means to create something sexual out of something that is inherently non-sexual. I don't believe that breasts, or chests

I think its a little worse than that. I believe both men's and women's chests are equally sexualized (Chippendales, anyone?) but one is taboo to show in public and the other is not. That is the real double-standard.

Not all women's breasts are sexually attractive to all people and not all men's chests are sexually

I have no reason to believe this tastes good, but I sure do want it. Right now.

Also, I just took my three children (7, 5 and 2) to the dentists for the first time, and was told that two of the three of them will likely need braces due to crowding. Braces fixed my teeth, but not my genes.

When I was referred to an orthodontist for the first time, that was the first question they asked. Do you mouth breath? The unfortunate answer was, due to severe allergies and enlarged tonsils, yes. Not until I finally had my tonsils removed, in my mid-thirties, have I been able to breath somewhat regularly through my

I had braces, and so glad I did. My mouth is too small for 32 teeth and some started coming in behind others. I had to have my pre-molars removed from the top and bottom and then all of the other teeth pulled forward just so my wisdom teeth could form without issues (and those had to be removed too). I had braces for

What about the Dyson Sphere from Star Trek TNG? I guess it's not really a ship, but a very large structure.

Yep. That's what they do in Korea. Just the other day someone described Korea to me as "more western than the US." I think they like to take both the best and worst aspects of American culture, and kick it up a notch.

Given them a break, it was probably an edit made by a translator.

These watches are definitely cool, and if I were uber-rich I would like to own a nice mechanical watch. But what I don't understand is why someone would put such an exquisite timepiece on their wrist. It is bulky, for one, and as jewelry, simply tacky. Won't whoever is in charge of fashion, please bring back the

I completely agree. I've been in converted buildings like this and thought "wow, this is really cool." Usually the tenants are advertising firms and similar businesses that get off on the aesthetics. But this is one of those examples where architects focus too much on the art part of their craft, and less on the

I never do this for movies anymore, but I am going to have to find a way to see this film at midnight on opening day with all of the other fans. The cheers and applause that will fill the theater the first time Luke Skywalker appears on screen is just going to feel great. I predict it will be one of those cliched

It looks like the really hard part is dipping the paper in at the end without messing up the nice pattern you just created. I think if I did this, it wouldn't be relaxing at all. I would create a really nice pattern, be very happy with myself, then dip the paper in and start cursing at myself in anger because I have

Yes. Thank you. It is nice to see the finished product, and also not listen to a promotion for baptism.

This is just horrible. I know they got permission from the farmers, but it still just seems so disrespectful. If they were in awe of the place, they should go there, meet the locals, participate in their ceremonies, learn about their culture, enjoy the scenery, take a couple of pictures, then leave. Listening to the

As a parent, that was my first assumption.

I found this in the youtube comments. Also, if you watch the red car and the truck are both going about the same speed. Not sure what the speed limit is, but you can see that the guy on the bicycle sees the truck not slowing down and therefore slows down his bike so he doesn't cross into the trucks lane and get hit.


Behind every well-meaning regulation is a corporate lobbyist with something to gain.