
Hah. I did the exact same thing. <Begin rant> Videos are fine for entertainment, but if you want to do something informative like "20 misconceptions about something" write it out so we can read it. I do most of my reading on my phone, in public places. Even if I have a good signal and good bandwidth, I don't need


But that is specifically called "Dry Ice" to make it clear that it is not "ice" which is frozen water. I've also heard Methane Hydrate referred to as Methane Ice. I know it seems technical, but Gizmodo likes to take ordinarily cool things and make them sensational for click-bait. I don't mind someone jumping in and

That's an excellent point. I've brewed many batches of beer, myself and even when I follow the same recipe, never end up with the exact same thing I had before. It is always excellent and enjoyable, but always different. The surprise is part of the enjoyment, but no one who opens a Budweiser wants to be surprised.

This is silly. Food and beverages made in small batches aren't necessarily better than those made in large batches. These GIFs only show the difference in scale. The real reason Budweiser and the big brand American beers taste bad (and that's a subjective opinion) is entirely due to the recipes used. Prohibition put

The Delorean has to get up to 88 miles per hour before time travelling. Good luck with that :)

Nevermind. I see now that the car was passing the truck and lost control. That was hard to see the first time.

Why do you say "idiot driver?" How do you know the driver did not have a seizure or something like that? All I see if a car veer off the road, but no explanation why. I think if it was simply poor driving, the driver would have corrected back into the lane rather than continue right off the road like that.

That's the first thing I thought about when I saw this. Too many shop class safety lectures, I suppose.

"He told The Independent that he has now finished his study and will submit his findings to a scientific journal. " And destroy all copies of the virus, right? Right!?

Yes. The problem with the trolls was that they didn't have enough of a part. That's why people think they seemed out of place. We needed to see a bit more of the trolls, not less. Perhaps a little bit more to explain the connection between the trolls and Kristoff.

Actually, you can't easily create and keep a fake account. I created a "fake" account once in order to play online games without linking my actual Facebook account. It worked for about 6 months when suddenly, for reasons I still don't understand, Facebook notified me that the account was in violation of their terms of

That's a fascinating paper your professor wrote, though I am not sure I understood all of it. It appears he is saying the illusion is caused by "Oculomotor Micropsia," which has to do with pupil size and angles, and not the Ponzo Illusion, which is about perception of flat lines, though these things are related in the

That really goes for any crime which depends on eye-witness testimony to prove the case. The defense must question the credibility of the eye-witness. When the eye-witness is the victim, then the victim will be made to feel like they are the ones "put on trial." But this case should have been different, because the

I was thinking the same thing. When I read the headline, I thought he was going to show how to make a fire with just a knife. Obviously wood would be involved, which you can find around you, and cutting the wood down to kindling, but when I saw him pull out the cotton ball with vaseline and and a ferro rod, I

When I watched this movie, I couldn't believe the absurdity of it. I mean, a single corporation building a "back-door" into their security products seems plausible, but to perpetuate that back-door into all computers and all websites across the entire Internet seemed ludicrous. Then last year Edward Snowden revealed

"spiders not only eat other insects but . . ."

"Yap has plans to recreate the website under a different name, TBD.

Bandwidth and security issues aside, what it sounds like they are doing is providing an ad-based free wi-fi, which effectively means they are using space you own or rent (your home) to push out advertisements without paying you for the space. As long as they were willing to pay me to use my home as a base for these

For one thing, while video should always be shot horizontally, still pictures, which use the same lens, can shoot portraits in portrait mode. For regular cameras (still or video), the default position is horizontal and you have to turn the camera 90 degrees for a portrait. But with a phone, whose default position is a