
This all assumes no intra-family relations (not just incest, but 2nd cousins marrying and whatnot - happens in small towns). It gets complicated, then.

I think I would try it again if I was just cooking for myself, which I never do. I experiment a lot less now that I have a whole family depending on me for dinner.

I love skirt steak and remember fondly when it used to be a cheap cut of meat. Now it is very expensive due to popularity. I cook a good skirt steak but years ago I watched an episode of Good Eats in which Alton showed the method of placing directly on the coals and I decided to try it. I was disappointed and my wife

All of these burgers have just too much going on and sound disgusting to me. That could just be because I am picky and don't like things like "celery relish." That Breslin Burger though. Wow. I just keep reaching at the screen, wanting it to be real so I can eat it.

Seeing reactions like that sometimes makes me wish I hadn't read the books first. I love the show, but I never get to have reactions like that.

Most men and some women. Chalk it up to poor sex education and the taboo that affects women's sexuality. However, my wife very sternly corrected me the first time I said vagina. "Vagina is the inside part and vulva is the outside part." She was pretty insulted and said she doesn't refer to my penis as a scrotum.

I was thinking the same thing. It is 10% larger than the previous largest, which was found in the same area. This could just be a more mature specimen, or different gender, and this larger. I'm sure they are considering that and will know better if they find more bones.

It feels to me like the real race here is between capitalism and communism, and that the mag lev train is a proxy. Or maybe that's just me.

I don't know if I would call that "snarky," but Gillette has ALWAYS marketed their new razors for men first, coming out with a ladies' version several months later, with a different handle supposedly optimized for things like using in the shower. I'm sure there is a difference in sales numbers, possibly based on the

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That's just really awesome. I don't think that's an "Easter egg" but rather some software that you could run to play the music as the Anaerin mentioned above. Also not an Easter egg, but really cool on the subject of motors playing music.

A dictionary definition of penis is "the male genital organ of higher vertebrates, carrying the duct for the transfer of sperm during copulation." However, Ed Yong states that a penis is "a reproductive structure that transfers gametes from one member of a mating pair to another."

But I get my Gizmodo news through my Facebook feed. Hmmmm. . .

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I think of the Matrix movies as sort of a sliding scale. When each is looked at by themselves, and not compared to its predecessor, they are quite good. Its just that the second is so much better than the last, and the first is so good that the sequels can't compare. I would have been happy if the second and third

My observation is that most companies respond to tweets as a matter of public relations, not to resolve the issue. Negative tweets from customers are bad press, so a quick response apologizing and directing them to customer service helps offset the negative press.

I'm going to say that, in this case, the opposite

A lot of important engineers and scientists invented parts of the Internet, yet the only one mentioned by name is Tim Berners-Lee, the British guy. No this isn't biased at all.

What an awesome meme, and a good reason for me to go pick an avatar.

Yes they can. It has happened to me once. Only once, and I won't get into the circumstances of it, but I think that experience at least confirms for me that it is possible. I believe that prostate stimulation with an electrode will cause ejaculation without an erection, but that's not technically the same as an orgasm.

I'm surprised this hasn't sparked the classic "Air Force Pilots vs. Navy Pilots" debate yet.

I my small downtown, there is a "fair trade" store selling hand-crafted goods from impoverished "third-world" locations. One of the items is an iPhone speaker/amplifier made of wood that is almost exactly like this. It isn't very precise in its shape (its mostly just a hollow log without a bell shape) but it's decent