
It's a valid concern. The balloons are supposed to float at 60,000 feet, but given that they cannot be self propelled or directed, I see a lot of variables and risk.

Super-fast, line of sight Wi-Fi is nothing new. Many office buildings used to be (and some still are) fitted with microwave or infrared dishes that aim at each other to connect the local area networks of two buildings. These high-speed transmitters work well in place of fiber-optics. The problem is that the two dishes

I have to believe this is a cultural side-effect of the rigid top-down communist governing structure. You don't question orders from those above you. On the one hand, it gets things done quickly and efficiently. On the other hand, it removes some important checks and balances.

That's exactly what I was thinking. The only thing I can imagine is that the government believes that at some point they will relocate the residents and demolish that part of the building to complete the road and that this is a temporary problem.

"Silence alarms with a wave." "No more frantically swinging towels at the smoke alarm to quiet it down." That's all you had to say. I'll replace all 8 alarms in my house ASAP.

I'm so torn. I love non-linear games with vast worlds and lots of freedom to explore and discover things, but I don't like the premise of playing a modern-day thug nor the realistic violence that comes with GTA.

This is awesome!

Between 25,000 (with restrictions) and 50,000 miles (with no restrictions) for a typical domestic flight. I haven't done it in a few years, so the prices may have gone up.

Putting servers directly in the country and creating direct pipes that don't route through the US is surely going to result in more bandwidth for us.

You beat me to it. It says that it is a blend of wax and charcoal, so maybe it doesn't produce enough CO to be deadly in an average sized home, but what about in a small space? Or perhaps they are for outdoor use only? The website doesn't specify.

If your goal is improving the environment and/or more efficient use of our natural resources, then you should be thinking about the three "R"s. Reduce / Recycle / Reuse. I think the aluminum bubble wrap would be for industrial use (given the load capacity) and would certainly be reusable. It also looks like it is easy

I don't think you have to do much to breed them. Put a million cockroaches together and keep them fed, I am pretty sure nature will do the rest and you will end up with more cockroaches.

Yes, but presumably he was breeding them, or at least growing them, so even if he gets the same price per pound, he has increased the quantity. Well, at least until they escaped.

As others have already pointed out, that is because this IS HDR. High-Dynamic-Range on a digital still camera is typically accomplished by taking three seperate photos at different exposure levels and then combining them using software. The result is a beautiful picture with lots of detail that would otherwise be lost

That depends on the clock. Some are so poorly designed that the hour and minute hand are almost the same size. I have one of those in my house, and I have to stare at it for a while to figure it out. Its a dilemma, because an hour hand that is too short and you can't see what number it is pointing at, too long, and

I was thinking the same thing, but then I wondered if the projectile would fail to spin because of the way the magnetic force is acting on it. Stabilizer fins might be better. And, of course, a longer barrel and more powerful battery :-)

Except it isn't TWC blocking CBS through its Internet service. Doing so would violate current net neutrality rules in place by the FCC. In this case, it is CBS who is making the content unavailable to people coming from TWC IP addresses, choosing instead, to show anti-TWC ads. This is a problem easily overcome by

The vile part are the ads that each company puts on attacking the other in attempts to win consumers over to their side and, they think, put pressure in their favor. I could care less about their disputes, and I think most people could care less. It feels like two divorced parents each trying to vilify the other

Vile, yes, but not any different than the TWC TV customer going to a CBS channel and getting an anti-CBS ad instead of the show they were expecting, which TWC is probably doing (I know DirecTV and Dish do that, so I assume TWC does it as well).

I was wondering the same thing. I assume that is someone's birthday, but we'd have no way of knowing that. I mean, is using the same digit twice a bad thing? Or maybe we shouldn't be using zeros at all? It just makes no sense. 1004 seems like it has the same chance (1 in 10,000) as any other combination to be randomly