Totally stealing this, with credit, of course :-)
Totally stealing this, with credit, of course :-)
Haha. I was thinking something very similar. Actually, something that connects from the iPhone to the USB port on a DSLR. It would also require a firmware upgrade for the DSLR, but would allow it then to take pictures, geotag them, and upload them to Facebook. Not a bad a idea, really. . .
Does anyone remember what happened to anonymous after they went after the mexican drug cartels? I hope it isn't that bad, since I don't like to see anyone die, but, yea, seriously, this is big boy stuff going on in the middle east and temporarily taking some minor databases offline is asking for some serious trouble…
I think he should have shot it in silent black and white, myself.
Lots of complaints going around.
Exactly. We got Albert Einstein, and many others, after all. Also, military spending does tend to result in technological advances, but you don't have to commit genocide to do it.
Thank you for the complement. I don't think people live in fear, so much as they want to live with a level of unrealistic safety and sanitation such that they don't consider what that requires. We have a judicial system that favors letting guilty people go free over letting innocent people be convicted, and so the…
We don't have all of the facts in these cases to make judgements about the severity of these crimes or how guilty / not-guilty these individuals are, but I think the practice of posting these records online, even for convicted felons, effectively amounts to punishment beyond the original sentence. But even worse is…
The state can press charges if they believe they have enough evidence without a cooperating witness, but generally, if the victim isn't willing to press charges, no one else is going to because there won't be enough evidence. Keep in mind that this article is presenting the facts based on an interview with Yolina. The…
The real monopoly abuse was Microsoft directly using its monopoly power to force hardware manufacturers to cut out the competition.
I haven't tried passbook yet (I won't upgrade to iOS6 until Google releases a stand-alone maps app), but I have had an app called Cardstar for years, which stores all of my retail rewards/discount cards. In the several years I have been trying to use this app (On the first iPhone, the 3 and the 4), through several…
I was up in Vermont skiing near the end of the season before the last election, when it was clear it was going to be a race between McCain and Obama. I was at a bar, making new friends with strangers and the subject of politics came up. I decided to say what I thought was the safest thing possible. I said "it doesn't…
All good advice, except for the dividing people into groups thing. I mean, if your goal to try to win over as many votes to your candidate as possible, getting the word out on social media is one way of trying to accomplish that. If you can do it in a way that is intelligent, insightful and friendly, you might…
But if you were to sue the hotel for your 10 carat diamond ring, you would still have to prove that you had the item stolen. So if the burden of proof is impossible, then the hotel should have no compelling reason to post disclaimers denying responsibility. Unless, of course, in those cases where it *could* be proven,…
No, yours was the first I saw. I don't like repeating the same thing over and over, so hopefully people will read my reply here and that's enough. I know at lot of people feel as you do, and I didn't mean to single you out. I'm just very passionate about this issue and as the father of three small children, I have to…
I don't disagree. I travel a lot. For several years of my life, I lived exclusively out of hotels all over the country. 99.99% of the time, everything in my room is safe. I leave my laptop, jewelry and other valuables out because, well, you can't fit a laptop in a hotel safe, and its probably safer in the room than…
I just meant that the higher resolution will be standard. Screen sizes will always vary because people need to buy what is appropriate for their room size (or not).
I get the retailer part of it, but I've also looked at CC security camera systems and they aren't up to speed with the latest digital camera technology. They just seem slow to incorporate the same improvements that the market seems to demand from cell phone and digital camera manufacturers.
So true. I know reliability is a factor (laptops crash, hang, require reboots, patches, etc.), but even so, a "legit security camera" manufacturers, with dedicated hardware/software could still charge the same ridiculous prices AND upgrade their technology to something from 5 to 10 years ago. Perhaps because no…
No doubt synthetics are obviously synthetic, and natural is preferred, but the existence of synthetic diamonds still has an overall affect on demand, thus lowering the market value of all diamonds.