
Ever read the notices posted inside the hotel room doors of most hotels? The ones that say that the laws of the state absolve the hotel of any responsibility for theft of personal property? I believe that a lot of theft is either perpetrated by hotel staff or allowed by hotel staff due to carelessness. If hotels were

My biggest concern about iPhones, ever since the "antenna-gate" problem, is that Apple's excessive secrecy about new phones is going to limit testing. After all, the more prototypes that exist, the more likely a leak is to occur, so I am sure they keep the numbers limited. The antenna problem wasn't a big deal (for

I just tried it out, and it works beautifully in Chrome.

Keep in mind that when all of the major carriers got the phone, there was a boost in sales and now the market is saturated, leaving fewer and fewer new iPhone buyers. Most people are on upgrade cycles now. For a lot of people, that is every two years to coincide with contract renewals, but for others, its "if it ain't

The same argument can be made in reverse. We depend very heavily on China and so would not attack them is response to, say, going after Taiwan. Good point about the "in 20 years or so," because it seems to me like they are just getting prepared.

Now playing

I'm sure the Zeiss takes better pictures, but for pure focal length, go for the Canon 5200mm

I love legos, and so do my kids. But when it costs $100 or more for a relatively small kit, my dreams of building anything at a grand scale go out the window.

An RS-232 serial cable is a simple, but effective interface between a laptop and all kinds of equipment. Just within my own home I have an alarm system and irrigation system that technicians plug into with serial cables to run diagnostics and program. I have a brand new surround receiver with a serial interface for a