
Gamers are so whiny. Yes, it's in the developers' best interest to keep you happy and satisfied; and it's awesome when they do.

I don't think anyone is disputing that the driver is at fault. What they're saying is that, as a cyclist, you are putting yourself at risk if your behavior on the roadways only takes into consideration who would legally be at fault, and completely ignore the fact that you'll possibly be seriously injured or killed

CTF-Face and Deck 16 were my undeniable favorites. I always will prefer UT 99. Ever since then the game has "expanded" a bit too much for my liking. Too much of a focus on a full-scale vehicular UT versioned game. I enjoyed UT III, but it felt stagnant.

"Yes, it was her fault. Absolutely. He's in the right."

So true... The number of times I had to repeat this simple truth to my wife is more than a bazzillion. "But we have right of way" she says. "But honey, they have the right of metal, mass and physics" I say

That's right, most cyclists are not that lucky. As a daily bike commuter, it blows my mind that this guy was doing 22MPH on a wet street in fairly busy traffic; leaving no margin of safety if a driver makes a mistake. People make mistakes.

The waterfall was mind-blowing at the time. After years of Doom and Quake... it opened up a new non-brown world.

Steam isn't DRM. It has a DRM component that companies can choose to use or not use. Many games, especially indies, just install and don't require Steam in any capacity other than to be a form of download (similar to downloading from GoG's webpage after authenticating with your account). So hopefully it's DRM free

If this were 2011 — back when XSEED was much vaguer about the future of SC — I'd be more inclined to agree with you, but we know for a fact that the second game is in development and will be released within the next year.

And your movie would suck.

This is scary ignorant.

This is complete bullshit. If he didn't rape someone, he should absolutely defend himself. People are raped and it's horrible, but people are also falsely accused and that's also an injustice. These things come down to pure "he said, she said" and that's what makes them so difficult, but an innocent person

Psssh, you and your fancy color... This is the only real Pikachu!

Prediction: This is going to get someone killed and someone else put in jail for a long time soon.


And you have a right to your opinion, but the SD characterization was pretty much the norm for the series prior to VIII (and to a lesser degree, VII). The realistic character models for VIII were carried over into X and later titles—but FF I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and IX all featured SD models.

I'm not sure how one of the most beloved games of all time is underrated, but ok.

That looks horrifying.

Nope, but I am a little sarcastic.