
Do you have a steam account? I've got an extra copy - its yours if you want it.

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I'm so glad to see this here. I've spent more time time playing daggerfall than perhaps any other game I've ever owned. I remember as as kid saving up money to buy a new hard drive (700 MB) so that I would have enough space to install the game on full instalation (which required an absurd 450 MB).

Serious question for those that have either played the original Half Life 2 mod or an early build of the standalone game:

I also want to recommend checking out Costco. When my wife and I were shopping for a new mattress last year, we went to a half dozen stores and compared prices. We found our mattress at Costco that we liked that was about $200 cheaper than other martresses that we thought were equally comfortable. Costco also has

They are claiming rights to use the pictures, info etc under not only the first amendment, but also under "a number of various licensing agreements." Whether their argument is legally valid will depend on the sufficiency of their licensing agreements to cover the content used. The first amendment would give them the

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I've been looking forward to this game for quite a while now. Here is another great video showing it off.

You should make sure to check out Ender's Game when the movie comes out this fall.

I've never understood why some translators feel the need to randomly add in swear words to anime when the original Japanese doesn't include any words similar to the English swear words.

Just grabbed it. I'll take some time to try it out this weekend. thanks for the heads up on the free version.

I didn't mean to suggest that I avoided the game due to its juvenile humor (I spent hours and hours playing Duke Nukem 3D back in the day), I just never got around to playing Shadow Warrior. I was 13 when the game came out and paid for all of my gaming entertainment from chores I did around the house. Daggerfall had

So is this game supposed to take place in Japan or in China? The naming conventions appear to be primarily Japan based, the art style appears based on Edo period Japanese art, your primary weapon is a Japanese style Katana, and one of the guns has a Kyokujitsuki sticker on it. But if the game is going for a Japanese

VOTE: Cooler Master CM Storm Xornet

I'd buy it if it were $20 outright without any microtransanctions (and if they released it for Android). I'm not interested in supporting EA's F2P business model.

I'm using Start8 to skip directly to desktop and add an enhanced Windows7 style start bar. After a few more tweaks, I actually became quite happy with Windows 8. I use my computer as a HTPC, but Windows7 had issues with handshaking over HDMI with my A/V receiver. After upgrading to Windows 8, I haven't had a problem

Thank you for the constructive comment.

I have a soft spot for this series. Lodoss was the Anime that got me to start watching Anime. I need to break out my old DVDs and have another run through the series.

You are correct in assuming that I am not from Albuquerque, so I am unfamiliar with the local gaming scene. After reading your post, their call for help makes a lot more sense. Unfortunately, their connection to the gaming community doesn't really come across on their Indiegogo page. It simply read like a business

It must be too early in the morning. I couldn't figure out what MLP meant for the life of me until I saw your post.

It looks out of place without a giant tree in the background of that last picture.