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There is a car in that scene, but it isn't what is circled in that picture. The car is farther in the distance, moving across the 2nd most distant hill (right above where the red circle is in the picture). You can only see the sun glinting off of the car, not the car itself.

11K works out to be about $5.25 per hour. It shouldn't be difficult to raise your income if you really want to. Go to McDonalds and apply to work as a cashier or cook. Find a call center the does cold calls trying to convince people to open a new credit card or buy a diet supplement. Apply for hard labor jobs

The best part of going to school at Stanford is the 100 mbps internet.

Your mature Star Wars game came out in 1995.

The way I sit, one leg on each side of the cross bars, the bars don't get in the way of my knees. When I set it up to take the picture, I set it to the lowest height, usually I have it a few notches taller, which makes the bars less wide. They make these tables in a bunch of different sizes and designs, so I'm sure

I picked up a cheap tv tray table from walmart that is large enough for a large keyboard and mouse. It is height adjustable and it folds up to slide behind the couch when I'm not using it. I think it cost me about $15.

Sorry, reading comprehension fail on my part.

I'm curious, what was it that you didn't like about Snake Eater? I personally thought it had the most refined gameplay of the series so far, and the fights with The End and The Boss are two of my favorite boss fights of any game I've ever played.

That makes me very sad. There is so much potential to affect gameplay with the advancement in physics since the thief games came out. If this turns out to be true, it will be a major lost opportunity.

Thief: the dark project had my favorite bow in a video game. Unlike a lot of games where the bow is just another weapon, the bow mechanics in Thief were integral to the gameplay. For example, you could shoot torches with water arrows to darken the hallway, allowing to sneak around without being seen, or you could

Does anyone know what one of these would cost with installation? I couldn't find a price anywhere on their website.

I agree. I use both products. I boot Origin when I play Battlefield and the occasional game of Mass Effect 3 multiplayer and don't find it to be the major hassle that some people make it out to be. What I was talking about, but didn't explain very clearly, is that when a game is available on both platforms, right

Like I said before, I don't hate Origin. I think there are plenty of things that it does perfectly fine and I recognize that EA as a company has the right to attempt to monetize their products however they think will make them the most money. That doesn't make them evil, it makes them a good company. I have found,

Alyx, does play the damsel role periodically, but I think that is balanced out by the fact that she also plays the hero at other points in the story. Remember, the first time that you meet Alyx, she saves Gordon from a half-dozen combine thugs. Additionally, as the engineer of DOG, she indirectly saves Gordon a few

But Origin isn't competing with the steam that existed 10 years ago when it first launched, Origin is competing with steam as it exists today. If I purchased a car from a new car company and produced a poor product, I wouldn't be giving it slack just because their vehicle is 10x better than the Model-T Ford. I'd be

Thanks for your contributions to the site.

I agree that it isn't Kotaku's fault. We've seen similar things over the past couple months related to video games and gun violence. If Kotaku were your only source of political news, you'd think that all of the politicians on capital hill spent all day discussing video games.

I'm happy to see that you wrote an article about this topic of "Kooky Japan". I remember the vending machine dress that you mention in the article and conversations I had about it with friends when it was making its rounds on the internet. Unfortunately, there is only so much that a single article from a two years

The "Japan is crazy" stories really are overdone.

Same thing happened to me on the latest version of firefox.