
If you end up grabbing Baldur's gate 1 and 2, check out a couple tools/projects called 1)Baldur's Gate Tutu and 2)Baldur's Gate widescreen mod. Tutu imports all of the game resources from the original Baldur's Gate into the engine of the second game, allowing you to play through the first game using the 2nd's

You can have your wages garnished by the court, you can have your property possessed by the court. It is possible, though unlikely in a situation where you don't have the ability to pay, that you may be found in contempt of the court and serve time in jail (depending on the state statues where you are located).

Try the monkey island games. The remakes that are sold on Steam have a hint system built in to help you through the difficult puzzles if you get really stuck. My personal favorite is a game called full throttle by lucasarts. I highly suggest it if you can find a copy. Since it is a pretty old game, you might need

Okuribito was fantastic, and by far the best film to come out of Japan in the last 10 years. The music is really good too (written by Hisaishi Jo)

The Segata Sanshiro song was my ringtone for a few months a couple years back. These are by far the greatest video game commercials ever created (follow closely behind by the Kevin Butler commercials for the PS3). My personal favorite is the bomberman commercial for its perfect comedic timing.

I really hope that Steam Greenlight fixes this problem, because there are lots of great games out there that I would really like to see on steam but are not because of the current approval process. http://store.steampowered.com/news/8367/

I think I need to go buy Doom 3 now.

I think I need to go buy Doom 3 now.

I think I need to go buy Doom 3 now.

I think I need to go buy Doom 3 now.

I don't know how many hours I wasted playing this game as a kid. RotT was fantastic. Now we just need someone to make a remake of Hexen.

Awesome. Thanks.

I never knew there was a second or third. I own what I assume is the first of the games and loved it. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get it to run on a modern computer... :(

This looks a lot like Eufloria (http://store.steampowered.com/app/41210/). If you've never played it, keep your eye open for it during the next steam sale. you can usually pick it up for less than $5. Its on the PSN as well, but you'll not find it for the price that it is sold on steam.

I agree that the Nexus Q is too expensive. There really isn't a reason why it should cost more than the Nexus7. However, with the additional functionality of XBMC and cyanogenmod, it does start to make a little more sense. If the price came down to about half of what it is, I'd consider getting one.

or if you want to spend a little bit more for something that looks a lot cooler, you can get a nexus Q (which will have all of your audio/video outputs) and root/install Cyanogenmod: http://www.androidcentral.com/nexus-q-running-cyanogenmod

This is great news, especially combined with this news: http://www.androidcentral.com/nexus-q-running-cyanogenmod

Can you remove someone as one of your 4 at any time?