FF7 Liara is sooo cute!
FF7 Liara is sooo cute!
Vote: Adobe Connect
EA started selling DLC (sometimes in the game itself) outside of steam, and not allowing steam to sell the DLC itself. That way, EA could still take advantage of marketing its games through a popular digital distribution service, but could keep all of the profits on DLC without sharing with steam. Steam apparently…
I could never get past Ash's Xenophobia. How could you not like Krogans?!
BASTION had the best music this year in my opinion!! (Best game soundtrack in the last couple years)
Yeah. that's the game. It had all kinds of interesting gameplay mechanics, but one that I actually like was the fact that your gas mask filters reduced over time, but there wasn't a countdown on the GUI anywhere. You actually had to put down your gun temporarily and pull out your timer watch to see how much more…
Vote: rooted Kindle Fire
The only one I've found that added to the atmosphere (instead of just adding to my frustration) was Metro 2033.
not necessarily a better example, but certainly not an inappropriate example either. Cat Woman may have been created decades ago, but her character and portrayal have evolved with the times. I think the Batman franchise as a whole is a suitable case study for this type of article because Batman is a celebrated…
Joking aside, I completely agree with you. That a certain elite group of people can buy the stock at a fixed price before anyone else is unfair. I'd prefer SEC regulations that strictly limits the ownership of stock to employees of the company until it goes public. The billionaires can buy and sell with everyone…
Kotaku has posted several articles on this topic over the last couple years. Unfortunately, the people that could benefit the most from reading them will skip them over and jump straight to the "look how far X game company pushes the limit in their new Japanese fan service game" stories.
Good point. I think the Catwoman example is overused in these arguments and often not the most fitting for the exact reason you point out. However, I think in this situation it is appropriate since the topic is more broad than video games and is looking at the stereotype of women in all of geek culture.
Or you could have waited a couple hours for the stock to tank and bought it at $9.00
Zap as Magnus would be perfect!
Does ADW EX have the swipe feature for the dock icons like launcher pro?
Very helpful.
I went to the website and it lists off the awards that are available, but it doesn't say how many points are needed for the various rewards. To anyone out there who uses this app, what is the exchange for points to giftcards?
I feel exactly the same way. This is why I don't mind so much that some company's track my browsing and collect information on me. I pay for free stuff on the internet by being advertised to, and if I'm going to be advertised to, I'd rather be seeing ads for things I'm actually interested in.
this sounds like something Gabe would do.
I really hope this game succeeds in North America. Maybe Nintendo will learn a lesson and bring games like this to the US more willingly in the future if Zenoblade becomes the next Demon's Souls.