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The trailer for Dust: an Elysian Tail shows that it is coming out for Xbox arcade.

What is the best way to clean finger smudges off of an e-ink screen? (nook touch)

You've got great taste in games N-Robes.

Dust looks very impressive considering all the coding, art, and animation are done by a single person. Too bad it is only coming out for Xbox360. I'd pick it up if it were released on Steam (not holding my breath though since it is being published by Microsoft)

My Battlefield 3 money is going toward Bastion on steam instead.

Vote: Nook touch

For those of you that haven't seen his work before, here are a couple more videos:

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Cute video, but considering that the person that created this much more impressive youtube video in hopes of getting a job at valve failed to get an offer, I'm guessing that her chances are not great.

I work in the legal department of a large software company (not games, but still related). Based on my experience with how most distribution licenses are structured, I'd guess that the theory that Steam changed their terms when they began preparing to offer F2P games is the most likely. A change in terms would

I adopted Talim and Yeung Seong as my characters of choice. I love the mobility and counter attack ability that both characters gave you.

"Similarly, if you do find another insurance provider offering a lower rate, odds are your current provider is willing to meet it in order to keep your business"

Has Talim been confirmed for this game yet?

What Battlefield 3 needs? Steam support.

Thanks for the summary.

I'll be buying this on steam.

I don't know if Online Multiplayer codes work the same, but the onetime use DLC codes I've used in the past were linked to my PSN account and not to my console. When my PS3 died on me last year and I purchased a replacement, I was able to redownload all of the DLC on my new system without issue.

VOTE: Project Gutenberg

Does Project Gutenberg count as an Ebooks store? If so, that gets my vote as best ebook store. They offer a ton of free books that are in the public domain in a variety of file types (epub, pdf, kindle reader format, lit etc.)

My mother always told me I was special and unique. The internet just confirmed that for me today. :D

"and to PC gamers, no one cares about your rig btw"