
@HotChops: Then again, if most of your friends are on PSN, you're likely going to go with that system. It works both ways. Microsoft might have an install base advantage over Sony, giving them an advantage in this area, but there still a lot of Playstation 3s out there.

Thanks for the objective breakdown. Great article.

@CrashBandicooter: That's strange... I could have sworn that games like Shadow of the Collosus, ICO, Metal Gear Solid, Mario, Metroid, Pikmin, Zelda, Castlevania, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, MegaMan, Ninja Gaiden, Jet Set Radio, and Gran Turismo were all Japanese games. But since neither of these games feature

@FriedConsole: Thanks for the info. I'll be grabbing this day one if it does come out as a PSP mini.

Is there any exclusivity agreement with Microsoft that is keeping this game from the Playstaion Network? I've been hoping for this game to make the jump to Sony's platform since I saw the first gameplay on XLA. My wife would love it too.

I wonder if the Blaster Master glitch that allowed you to pause the game in a boss fight and inflict infinite damage will still work in the virtual console.

I bought the original Resistance because of the split screen coop. I was planning on buying the sequal, even preordered from Gamestop, until I found out that co-op was online only. Personally, I like playing with other people in the same room, so split screen multiplayer is a big deal to me. I cancelled my preorder

@AllOfUsAreLost.: Fries/Chips were originally invented in Belgium (not France as many Americans think) and were/are called Frites. However, they were introduced to America through the French, and were aptly named "French Frites." Over time, Frites became Fries because it is easier to pronounce. Thus today, we have

Where is the Comedian?

@Patriot Infinity: Sony may have been in the console business before Microsoft, but Microsoft has been in the software business much longer than Sony. Thus, we end up with a company that creates a console with poor reliability but fantastic development software and another with much more reliable hardware but

@Neo Deus: I don't detect any hint of a British Accent. The only Japanese I've heard with a "British accent" just sounds like bad foreigner pronunciation.

this was going to be a day one purchase.... until my PS3 stopped working on me a week ago. I'm in over my head in so much debt, it will take me at least 6 months before I scrape together enough buy a new system.

Bought Resistance at the PS3 launch. Played the game a ton when friends came over, especially the co-op mode. I was really looking forward to the sequel until I found out that the co-op mode was online only. I canceled my preorder based on that news alone.

Dear Harmonix,


considering the quality of Ubisoft's CGI videos used to promote Assassins Creed I and II, these could end up being pretty cool. I wonder how the plot will tie in to the game.

I really hope that Lucasarts makes enough money on these re-releases of their classic adventure games to convince them to make a new Full Throttle game. Preferably in a partnership with double fine productions.