Lord Amaterasu


Ben Carson is a world famous neuro surgeon

I wish it included enough pieces to build panels to cover the thing. I just don’t like how it looks all opened up

So basically, he is saying what the majority of the world’s population is thinking...stop making every fucking thing about sexual orientation, racism, or any other PC nonsense shit because you weren’t hugged enough by your dad while growing up.

It used to be... credit cards.

It'll come up eventually, so I'll stoke the fire: I'd argue Melee players are already divas with their refusal to jump to the most recent game. I've heard the arguments for and against adopting the latest smash and I still stand by my point.

Fuck that, the rights to Deadpool need to go to Ryan Reynolds.

Hey, fair enough though, right? There are artists acting in direct opposition to Spotify’s business model so they choose to feature artists that don’t do that... unless they are in especially high demand, like Drake, at which point customers get exactly what they are looking for. You want prominent position on their

All of this is why I love Gotham. Its almost too dumb to exist, but for me, it just WORKS. Entertaining isnt the same as good.

“Costumes don’t work so I made a show before the costumes which works much worse!”

Way back, I was playing TIE Fighter a lot. My mom was watching my play one day (I couldn’t hear because of headphones). She confronted me about what she thought was Nazi propaganda. Which in a sense isn’t incorrect, the Empire is basically Space Nazis.

If only you knew how many demonology books I had to read to get through computer science.


OMFG This!

Sheldon Cooper is that you?

At least you got a ridiculous religious angle. All I ever got was “you’re wasting your life playing kiddie shit”.

never buy Dark Souls!

This is extremely endearing and I love it.

Stopped reading at ‘Unfrosted’.

Dragonball is essentially doing a WoW at this point. Just increasing the level cap with everything expansion.