
I want Ward to be redeemed about as much as I want kidney stones and a bladder infection topped off with a root canal.

Coulson seems stunned by this reveal — although did anybody else wish the video had shown him being gung-ho and saying the program was in great shape and they should rush forward with testing, instead?

Mysterio and Kraven?! Yesssssssssssss


Wow, JJ is pretty strict about having folks in character by having Kenny Baker in box...

I have a fondness for Secret Wars, but I don't know if it was one off their greatest...

And pretty heartbreaking, too. The damn thing made me cry!

McCoy: Dear Lord. You think we're intelligent enough to... suppose... what if this thing were used where life already exists?

I still don't know why no one is going after the Buck Rogers in the 21st Century series? It has a lot of potential and no one has worked it over yet.

This actually makes a lot of sense. Carl's Junior and/or Hardee's will rip through you faster than a mutant speedster. I support this ad.

Given the creepy chapel-like room, which contained "never trust" and "us first always" graffiti (may be paraphrasing), I would guess they don't add new members to their group. I'm thinking they've decided they can't trust anyone outside their already established group (which seems quite large), and that all

For some reason, I thought I saw a small garden in the "nicer" welcome lobby of Terminus. I'd have to rewatch... But yeah, the way that hunger has cropped up this season has been frequent enough to draw attention, like all of the moments you described. Even Beth's Side Quest for Booze was fairly unsuccessful as she

Does this count?

I think Frank Castle forgot the his skull t-shirt at home.

We must send Morgan Freeman to Mars immediately.

When Marvel decided he was a comedic character and not a grimdark 90s mercenary.

I recently started reading "Universe in the Rear View Mirror" by Dave Goldberg and aside from the occasional glazing over of my eyes, I've found it to be extremely interesting.

If i am a hot, overpaid actor in another universe, i'm gonna be pissed.

Man, you should have grown up on 4chan like me. Turns you into a goddamn Dinobot. Grimlock no feel hate. Grimlock's armour evolved invincibility.