
I I think the most notable thing here is not that this guy is covered in excessive pouches but that Liefeld actually managed to draw a pair of reasonable sized feet.

Before I even clicked on the link, I thought “sentient pouch.”

Nice job supporting the U.S./Israeli/lizard government, Robbie.

After hearing how bad Final Frontier was for years, I have to say I did really enjoy it when I finally did watch the film. It's not a big actionny blockbuster, but as a character piece it worked well.

After his Two-Face run, let's keep Jones away from comic book movies.

With Brolin's demeanor, I'd hate to see him be voice-only. They should at least mo-cap his performance.

Agree. IM3 turned what was kind of a lame villain in the comics (Fu Man Chu with magic rings) into a pretty powerful commentary into how we're being sold an idea of terrorism that fuels the growth of the military-intelligence-industrial complex in the post-Cold War world.

Should have just added Dr. Doom from the 2005 F.F. movie as well...What a waste.

This whole thread will just turn into Trevor hate..
But fuck everyone!!! Trevor is so much better than the Manadarin ever was!!

Yippie Kai Yay, Bub.

John McClane doesn't need any goddamn help, how dare you.

They can't kill Wolverine. Fox Studios won't survive without him. I mean that's been their solution to everything.....because Wolverine. I mean I'm shocked he wasn't in the first Fantastic Four or we haven't heard about him being in the new one. I guess it's also a minor surprise that he didn't save everybody and kill