
Well, when a company says it’s coming to previous-gen consoles, people have a tendency to expect the game on previous-gen consoles.

Also, NRS can give out any excuse they want, but the fact of the matter is that Rare was able to put Killer Instinct on SNES.

Sometimes gamestop keeps it, trust me...

Ban all guns. Make them illegal to posses. Getting caught with one is an automatic jail sentence. This nonsense has gone on for too long. This amendment was authored by people who were okay with slavery. It does not, and should not, translate to 2015 America

You begin to suspect your bowl is a portal to the Meat Dimension

Mitsuru = the only senpai I’ve labored to notice me.

Dear god this better be true...

You wait patiently for Persona 5.


If there is a market for “Senran Kagura”, you can bet your ass there is one for this game.

Creepiness aside, I actually liked the game - not just for ogling cgi girls, but also for the relaxed vibe the game oozed, thanks to the island and the upbeat, tropical music. To me, those games were the perfect holiday simulator.

A videogame with a dark and serious plot about a man who controls a robotic cat that controls a giant stuffed animal.

Final Fantasy VII, a video game about an angry man with mommy issues

Charlie Branja!!

This is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever read.

No, you won’t “possibly” be watching DS9. You WILL be watching DS9 because I’m ordering you to. :P

Thank you for using the story of a woman’s horrifying rape and murder to make a far-flung snarky comparison so you can insult some internet commenters you don’t like.

I really don’t think this should have been reported. Should have just been released to the family...

still a kind of weird and unstable thing

Disney is fucked up. It sounds like Miley came out relatively sane (and explains her rebelling against her image of the past years). I have a soft spot for her. She seems smart and I love her acoustic Background Sessions - I wish she would record those! Girl can sure belt out some tunes.