
How about instead of begging for old series’ to get resurrected or remade, we beg for companies to make new games with things we’ve never seen before?

Maybe he just got tired of acting like a complete jackass just to make some 9-year olds laugh.

I can’t believe how many people NEVER suspected Mr. Jefferson. Like, I’m shocked at so many people being surprised. They gave us soooooo many hints.

I cannot *NOT* say this character’s name in The Swedish Chef’s voice.

Aways fancy’d myself a Triss Marigold kind a guy, but thats very nice.

Artificial sweeteners all taste like sweaty butthole. End of argument.

Something is wrong with you

Nightwing DLC where Dick Grayson is Batman. Please WB. Please please please please please please.

And in the “worst” category: Not being able to see the actual end of the game unless you get all the Riddler trophies... No thank you.


I miss The State

Gamestop can’t go bankrupt fast enough.

because it’s important to tell people who like MacFarlane that they have bad taste.

“No. It’s not a symbol of what you say it is. It may symbolize that to you, but not others...”

I can tell you what the flag was created to symbolize. Treason and hatred. Of the need for men to die that other men might be kept in chains.

At least it wasn’t

The joker being in a batman game is in no way, shape, or form, a spoiler.

Read the review, read the spoiler, and was vastly disappointed. Not at the spoiler itself, but what it meant. I thought Rocksteady would be braver than that.

Ugh forcing completion of a game franchise that already has like 4 offerings filled with collection/puzzle-a-thons. Ugghhhh I couldn’t even get halfway into Ark City it was so grindy. I buzzed through Ark Asy in a weekend, that game was tight and doable.

It’s 2015. If you want to see the full ending you just hit YouTube.