
Shut up

+1. Fuck the gatekeepers.

So, $40 for a system that will let me play Persona 4 Golden on a tv?

So, $40 for a system that will let me play Persona 4 Golden on a tv?

I’m pretty sure it’s worse.

The movie had me drooling over the idea of a Motorstorm: Mad Max game.

That’s on par with the ones that are like “I would drag my dick through 3 miles of broken glass coated with salt for a chance to drink your boob sweat” Or something like that.

“I’ll reach up and grab your waste and pull you into my face.”

Screw Conservative Wacko, Chuck Norris! Van Damme all the way!

It would not be completely unthinkable for this just to be a giant plot by Kojima.

You’re comparing a toy with squishy boobs to snuff and child porn...just take a step back, and look at your comparison for a second.

Remind me again why we should go completely digital with our games?

I agree in terms of “Batmans”, however, Michael Keaton is the supreme “Bruce Wayne”

I wanna go back to dick Grayson batman. He was nicer, cops actually liked talking to him and his interactions with robin were the best.

Feminists are totally violent, though. It’s true! I went to a Women’s Studies meet-and-greet back in college and they were all armed to the teeth with AR-15s. Plus, I got a whole bunch of anon hate from feminists on Tumblr when I called Brianna Wu a “facist feminazi cuntslut from the Abyss” on my blog. THEY’RE SO

P4 had me crying for real when I thought she wasn’t gonna pull through.

Day one pre-ordered with special Nanako figurine bonus edition.

Literally happening for every persona dancing game post..

Please Kotaku, please don’t support the FineBros, they are the worst of the worst on youtube i know they can be entertaining, but at this point they milk the fuck out of anything not made by them.

I can imagine the smell of the tobacco smoke, and that’s the part the grosses me out...